If the number with the digits reversed can have a leading 0 so that it is a 1-digit number, then 16. Otherwise 13.
Different countries have different number of digits. You need to be more specific.
Assuming a 3-digit password can begin with a zero, the answer is 720.
The number 184 consists of 3 digits.
10 digits.
A human hand consists of 5 digits. 4 fingers and 1 thumb.
The hexadecimal system is base 16.
How many digits in a fed referemce number?
TWO digits are in the number 30, 3 and 0
There are two digits, 3 and 0, in the number 30.
Total number of digits = 5
Measuring Digits are TWELVE (inches) in the British System and HUNDRED (centimetres) in the Metric System
2 digits are in 30