Expressed as a ratio in its simplest form, by dividing the antecedent and consequent by 2, 10:4 is equal to 5:2 or five to two.
It is simply 52:13. You may, if you wish, simplify that to 4:1.
divide both numbers by a common denominator, e.g. 2, such that the ratio becomes 3:5.
It is 113/93. You can simplify the ratio of required.
2.5/3.5 = (2.5 x 10)/(3.5 x 10) = 25/35 = (25 ÷ 5)/(35 ÷ 5) = 5/7
Oh, dude, the ratio of 4 to 40 is 1:10. It's like saying for every 1 part of 4, there are 10 parts of 40. So, if you have 4 cookies, your friend has 40 cookies - lucky them!
18 to 25
5 to 10 = 1 to 2
Yes, if you simplify them down you will get the same ratio. 1:4
17.6 : 10. 4 - Multiply by 10 to remove the figures after the decimal point. 176 : 104 - Divide by 8 to simplify. 22 : 13 A ratio can be expressed as a fraction. (e.g. 22/13) When simplifying a ratio, perform the same procedures as when simplifying a fraction to create an equivalent fraction.
7.2 to 10 = 72 to 100 = 18 to 25
If you mean as a ratio then it is 1/2
It simplifies as a ratio of 1:4
29: 4 : 20
3.6 = 36/10. You can simplify that ratio if you like.