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3a + 2b = c (find a in terms of b and c)

3a +2b -2b = c - 2b

3a = c - 2b

3a/3 = (c - 2b)/3

a = (c - 2b)/3

In order to find the value of a, you can give any values to b, and c (except a zero value).

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2mo ago

3a + 2b = c

When it asks for 'solve for 'a' , it means 'a = ...'.


Subtract '2b' from both sides

3a = c - 2b

Divide both sides by ;3;

a = ( c - 2b) / 3


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Q: Solve for the variable specified. Assume domains include only values that give nonzero denominators.3a plus 2b equals c for a?
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