Dear Parents
Welcome to our Pre-primary/Year One classroom. The children have made a great start to this year and have been completing some orientation and revision activities to ease them gently back into school routines.
The pre-primary children will have their fruit time with the other pre-primary children. Please ensure their fruit is placed in the basket each morning.
Pre-Primary children will receive their school requirements list on the Parent Information Evening. Information regarding this will be forwarded at a later date.
Year 1's
All Year One children should keep their fruit/recess snacks in their lunch box in their school bag.
Children have previously been provided with a list of stationery requirements. It would be greatly appreciated if these items could be brought in as soon as possible.
Pre-Primary and Year 1 Children
All children should place their water bottles on the trolley near the door in the morning. The children's hats are to remain in their big drawer rather than their school bag.
The timetable for specialist subjects is as follows and includes all children:
Monday Sport (please ensure your child wears sneakers, and has a hat, water bottle and sunscreen.
Library (all children require a library bag which should be brought to school each Monday).
Friday Art (all children will require an art shirt or smock to be supplied as soon as possible. This should be clearly labelled with your child's name).
If you have any concerns regarding your child please do not hesitate to contact me.
Maria McGrath (Teacher)
NO!!! Product means Mu;ltiply Sum means Addition (Add).
Two numbers have a product of 80 their sum is 24?
The sum is the total when numbers are added together, the product is the total when they are multiplied.
'Product' is another way of saying 'multiply the two numbers together'.
The answer depends on what ABC is!
It depends on the product of sum of what.
The product is 1254. The sum is 79.
NO!!! Product means Mu;ltiply Sum means Addition (Add).
Product = 35 Sum = 12
A sum is an answer to an addition problem and a product is an answer to a multiplication problem
Two numbers have a product of 80 their sum is 24?
send your payment to the abc product company in little rock, arkansas.
A product is an answer to a multiplication sum. Since there is no sum in this question, there is no product to be obtained.
the sum is -b/a and the product is c/a
A single number cannot have a sum or a product - a sum or product is used to compare two or more numbers.
The sum of the two angles is 360. So angle ABC = 120 degrees.