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In order to find the answer to a muliplication problem you first line up the the one's column of the two digits, placing the greater number on top of the one with a lower value. Let's call the lower valued number X and the higher number valued number Y. Okay, first multiply X's one's column digit by Y's. Place the answer beneath. Then multiply X's one's column digit by Y's hundred's column (If necessary) That should give you the answer if your solving with two one-digit numbers. However if you're solving the problem with two-digit numbers the procedure is different. You must place a zero below the original answer in order to continue to multiply the remaining factors. Then if X still has another digit to multiply by Y you add another zero beneath that product. And then add all of the products from the problem. Though, if you need to know how to solve a one-digit problem you go like this: Say I needed to multiply 5*5=. Well you know you need to add 5 fives together to get the answer so, 5+5=10+5=15+5=20+5=25. That's using 5 fives! So the answer to 5*5=25. If you follow that method other problems should be very easy.

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What do you call the answer to a multiplication problem?

The answer to a multiplication problem is called a "product."If you would wish for me to answer your quuestion, would you explain to me what you mean?The ProductThis is a very vague question. There is no true ANSWER to multiplication. There are answers to specific multiplication problems but not to multiplication itself. If you can revise this question, you will probably get a better answer.The answer to a multiplication problem is called a product.the answer in multiplication problem is the quotient

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The answer to a multiplication problem called the product.

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The answer to a multiplication problem is called the product.

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The answer is called the 'product' in a multiplication problem.