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3(n+2) = -8 n = -14/3 or 4 and 2/3

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Q: Three times the sum of a number and two is negative eight?
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Four times the product of negative eight and a number into algebraic expression?

four times the product of negative three and a number

What is negative three times one?

Any number multiplied by one is itself. Therefore, negative three times one is negative three.

Difference of eight times a number and twice the number?

twice the difference of three times a number and eight

Why can a negative number have a cube root?

Because if you multiply a negative number three times, the product will be negative.

What is negative two times four?

negative eight :) if you times 4x2 you get eight right? So if you add a negative to ONE number you add a negative to the answer. If you were to have both numbers as a negative, your answer would be postitive :) Hope I helped you :)

What is a negative number raised to the 3rd power?

It is the negative of the value of the number multiplied by itself two times (not three times - as most of us are incorrectly taught).

What is a negitaive times a positive?

A negative number times a positive number will give you a negative product.A negative number times a positive number will give you a negative product.A negative number times a positive number will give you a negative product.A negative number times a positive number will give you a negative product.

What is negative two times three?

Negative two times three is negative six.

What is the highest three digit number which can be halved eight times?


Eight less than three times a number?


How do you work out how to times a positive number by a negative number?

A positive number times a positive number will always get you a positive number A negative number times a negative number will always get you a positive number (same signs will get you a positive number) but A positive number times a negative number will always get you a negative number or A negative number times a positive number will always get you a negative number (different signs will get you a negative number)

Why does a negative number times a negative number produce a positive number?

Negative times negative is always a positive.