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Two positive integers whose sum is 14 includes 6 and 8

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Q: Two positive integer whose sum is 14?
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The sum of a positive integer and a positive integer is?

A positive integer plus a positive integer is equal to a positive integer. For example, 2 + 2 = 4. The two digits being added together are called the addends, while the answer is called the sum.

What stament is always trueabout the sum of a negtive integer and positive integer?

The statement is: "Their sum is always an integer." Whether the sum is negative or positive depends on the two original integers.

The sum of a positive integer?

sum of positive integers will be a positive integer

What is the sum of two positive integers?

Another, higher positive integer.

What can you say about the sum of two positive integers?

The sum will be a positive integer.It will be at least as large as double the smaller integer and at most as large as double the larger integer.

When is the sum of a positive integer and a negative integer positvie?

The sum of a positive integer and a negative integer is positive when the positive integer is greater. For example: 9 + (-5) = 4 In this case, the positive integer 9 is greater than the negative integer 5. Therefore, the sum is positive.

The sum of two negative integers is a positive integer?

No, the sum of two negative integers is not a positive integer. For example, if you add -5 and -6 together the sum would be -11.

Is the sum of two integers always positive?

No. The answer depends on the context in terms of which the numbers are considered to be opposite.

Can the sum of two integers sometimes be positive?

Yes.2 is an integer. 2 and 2 is 4 (positive integer).

How can you predict the sign of the sum of a positive and a negative integer before you add the numbers?

If the absolute value of the positive integer is greater than the absolute value of the negative integer, then the sum of the two will be positive.If the absolute value of the positive integer is less than the absolute value of the negative integer, then the sum will be negative.If the absolute values of the two integers are the same then the sum will be zero, which has neither a negative nor a positive sign.

What is the sum of zero and a positive integer?

the positive integer