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It will travel ten feet.

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Q: What An ant is traveling at a speed of 2 inches per second. At this rate how many feet will it travel in 1 minute?
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Travelling at 100 m per second? per minute, per hour, day, year?

How fast are you travelling if you travel 10m in 2 seconds?

You are traveling 10 min 2 seconds. Therefore, you are traveling 5 m per second. (or 300 m per minute or 18,000 m per hour).

If you traveling 60mph how many feet per second will you travel?

At 60 mph you are traveling at 88 feet per second.

How fast is 10 yards per second?

v=d/t so that means you will travel 10 yards for every second you are traveling. 10 yards is approximately 9.14m so in 1 minute you will have traveled 548.4m

If you are traveling 25 mile per hour how far do you travel in one second?

You travel 51.3 feet per second.

If an object travels 66 inches per minute how many feet does it travel per minute?

5.5 feet per minute.

How many feet per minute does a car travel at 20 mph travel?

A car traveling at 20 mph travels at a speed of 1,760 feet per minute.

How many feet does a car travel in one minute at 30 mph?

At 30 mph, a car is traveling at 2,640 feet per minute.

How long does it take to travel 425 meters?

The time it takes to travel 425 meters depends on the speed at which you are traveling. For example, if you are running at a speed of 5 meters per second, it would take you 85 seconds to travel 425 meters.

If you travel 10 km in 45 mins how fast are you going?

You are traveling 0.22km per minute or you need 4.5 minutes to travel one km

If you are traveling 10 mph how many feet per second will you travel?

14.66 feet per second.

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24 minutes