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a DEPENDENT variable is one of the two variables in a relationship.its value depends on the other variable witch is called the independent variable.

the INDEPENDENT variable is one of the two variables in a relationship . its value determines the value of the other variable called the independent variable.

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Q: What are dependent and independent variables and how are they usually related to each other in a problem or situation?
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Which element of a lab report is a statement that accurately describes the experiment or problem and includes the independent and dependent variables?

The hypothesis is the element of a lab report that accurately describes the experiment or problem and includes the independent and dependent variables. It provides a testable prediction of the relationship between the variables being studied.

What is the independent variables in a problem?

Independent variables are the factors that are manipulated or changed by the experimenter in a study or experiment. They are the variables that are believed to have an effect on the dependent variable, which is the outcome being measured. In research, the independent variables are controlled and varied to observe their impact on the dependent variable.

How do we use variables in the real wold?

Use variables to represent two quantities in a real-world problem that change in relationship to one another; write an equation to express one quantity, thought of as the dependent variable, in terms of the other quantity, thought of as the independent variable. Analyze the relationship between the dependent and independent variables using graphs and tables, and relate these to the equation.

What is the scientific term of dependent variable?

The dependent variable might be termed the "ordinate". The dependent variable in an experiment is the data you are collecting. When some variable depends on other variables, it is called the dependent variable. For example, the temperature of something will depend on how long you heat it, and the on the rate of heat input via a flame or something. The temperature would be a dependent variable, because it depends on the time and fuel input to the flame (independent variables). Sometimes written like y=function of x and z, or y=f(x,z). Here y is the dependent variable. You could then ask how much time it would take to get to a specified temperature. from that point of view, the time taken would depend on the input to the flame and the specified temperature. In that case the dependent variable in the problem is the time taken, since it depends on the other terms, now regarded as the independent variables since you are specifying them as inputs to the problem. <<>> Dependent variables are also sometines described as exogenous variables.

What is a scientific dependent variable?

The dependent varialbe is a variable that depends on the independent variable. The affet changes the problem.

What are the main problem faced during the pre 1997ratoning system?

The important dependent variables used for the study are effectiveness of PDS. Effectiveness denotes the fruitfulness of this scheme -weather the benefits of PDS have reached the right people without any hurdles. The other variable is independent variables. The independent variables used in this study are sex, age, educational status, marital status, exposure to mass media, contact with change agents,

How is a constant and an independent variable similar?

Both a constant and an independent variable are factors in an experiment that are controlled by the researcher. A constant remains consistent throughout the experiment and does not change, while an independent variable is manipulated by the researcher to observe its effect on the dependent variable.

What is science variables?

In a scientific experiment, variables are factors that can be changed, measured, or controlled. There are independent variables, which are manipulated by the researcher, and dependent variables, which are the outcomes or responses that are measured. Controlling variables are factors that are kept constant to ensure that they do not influence the results of the experiment.

How do you determine which values are represented on the vertical axis vs the horizontal axis when you are given a problem situation?

Usually the independent variable is plotted on the horizontal, and the dependent is plotted on the vertical. Example if you're graphing distance vs time, then time is the independent variable, because time keeps going independent of how you are moving.

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Some key variables used to create a model depend on the specific context of the problem, but common ones include independent variables that are believed to impact the outcome (dependent variable). These variables may include demographic information, economic factors, geographic location, and any other relevant data that can influence the outcome being modeled.

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Hypotheseis Procedure Materials Problem Question controls Independent variable Dependent variable Data Graphs Conclusion