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Q: What are equal sized branching roots called?
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What is an equal sized branching root called?

Theses roots which develop from the stem are equal in size.They are known as a adventitious,roots which give rise to branch or lateral roots and form a adventitious

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Normal sized horses are called hermafordiates. They are used for mortal combat.

What does pea-sized mean?

Pea-sized is literally the size of the vegetable pea.Products recommend using a pea-sized amount which is the amount of product equal to the size of the pea.

What will a medium-sized star be called?

Perhaps it is called the Betelgeuse * * * * * But only if you consider a red supergiant to be a medium-sized star!

What do two twin beds equal?

a king sized bed

Onions lawn grass and corn have root systems consisting of many similarity sized roots that form a dense tangled mass?

Onions, lawn grass, and corn have root systems consisting of many similarly sized roots that form a dense tangled mass, known as a fibrous root system.

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They are called volcanic bombs.

How can I divide a square with an area of 144 square inches into 12 equal sized squares if it is possible?

You cannot. If you are dividing any square into equal sized squares, then the number of these smaller squares must be a square number.

What is a rectangle with all sides equal called?

Either a 'SQUARE' or an 'RHOMBUS'. The difference between a square and a rhombus, is that a square has four equal sized angles, aT 90 degrees. A Rhomus has two by two angles the same , but NOT 90 degrees.