Science has many more elements than 4. The Earth has 4 elements. Fire, water, earth, air.
D = {x [element of reals]}R = {y [element of reals]|y >= 4}
It is used in science and proofs of proofs in maths, taking an example: Hypothesis: Bananas are red. (There exists) x x (is an element of) Red (and) Banana Banana (implies) Red (not) Red (implies) (not) Banana If a yellow banana is found, (There exists) y y(is an element of)Banana (therefore) y(is an element of) Red There is a contradiction, as the banana must be red, but it is yellow. The above is not the only use, but Boolean algebra exclusively contains symbols of (not), (and), and (or).
The order of a group is the same as its cardinality - i.e. the number of elements the set contains. The order of a particular element is the order of the (cyclic) group generated by that element - i.e. the order of the group {...a-4, a-3, a-2, a-1, e, a, a2, a3, a4...}. If these powers do not go on forever, it will have a finite order; otherwise the order will be infinite.
One example would be a Galois Field size 4 (ie GF(4)). Here, the elements are {0,1,2,3} and every element is its own additive inverse.
Because it has an element of science in it.
Neon is an element.
why yes yes it is.
the smalles particle of an element
A science that deals with substance and element is the fictional science
it is an element in the periodic table and can be used to science related thing.
Silver is an element.
Selenium is a chemical element; and chemistry is the most important part of science.
Aristotle discovered the 5th element Aether see related link
Zinc is chemical element #30. Zirconium is chemical element #40.