it shows the relationship between things that vary overtime like demand or age
more than one math uses algebra for example polynomials also use algebra and you can use algebra to figure out your pay for a year or to figure out your yearly interest on the amount you put in your savings account.
Here are the basic differences:elementary algebra:- Domain is the real numbers- Uses the operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication- Uses the laws of associativity, commutativity, and distributivityBoolean algebra:- Domain is only two numbers- Uses the operations of conjunction, disjunction, and negation (AND, OR, NOT)- Uses the laws of associativity, commutativity, distributivity, absorption, and complements
Algebra is a branch of mathmatics that uses formulae to calculate unknowns
As by "who" i assume you mean what profession. Algebra is used a lot in banking, economics, and doctors who need formulas. But overall algebra is mostly used by college leveled advanced algebra teachers.
There are a variety of practical uses for Pascal's triangle. Some of these include algebra, probability, as well as triangular numbers.
yes of course . we do use algebra in daily life even every1 uses it in finances, engineering, and many scientific fields,BUSINESS .Chemistry,construction,consumer
Algebra may or may not be hard to apply. It depends on the knowledge and skill of the individual applying it and the problem to which it is applied. There are simple problems in algebra, and there are other algebra problems of increasing complexity and difficulty. Just about anyone who wishes to learn enough "practical algebra" can do so successfully. The simple application of effort and bit of tutoring will do the trick most times.
what are the practical application of the center of pressure
cite some practical application and geometry
Yes, they did take a part in it, but it wasn't as strong and as practical as the Arabic algebra which was founded later.
The application of scientific discoveries to practical use is called technology. Technology is defined as the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area.
Joseph Victor Collins has written: 'Text-book of algebra' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Algebra 'Practical algebra, first year course' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Algebra 'Practical Algebra; Second Course' 'The ( r, x) system of coordinates' -- subject(s): Coordinates
"Practical application" can best be defined by contrasting it to "theoretical application". A practical application is the real or tangible use of a thing or a concept, whereas the outcome of a theoretical application is nontangibe results not subject to objective measurement because the thing or theory has not actually been put to use.
To quantify philosophical musings.
A real life demonstration is a practical application of something