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If the angles are EACH 180 degrees and they are placed adjacent, then they form
a complete revolution of 360 degrees.

If the two angles add up to 180 degrees when they are placed adjacent, then they are
supplementary angles.

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Q: What are two adjacent angles that measure 180?
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What is a non adjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines?

When two lines intersect four angles are formed. Adjacent refers to angles that are next to each other so non adjacent refers to the ones opposite each other. They will have equal angles. Two adjacent angles in this situation will have a sum of 180 degrees.

What term describes two adjacent angles whose measures add up to 180?

They are said to be supplementary angles that add up to 180 degrees

What are the angles in a parallelogram if the measure of one interior angle is 50 degrees more than 4 times the measure of another angle?

Opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal, and adjacent angles are supplementary. Let one angle be θ, then the adjacent angle is 4θ + 50° → θ + 4θ + 50° = 180° → 5θ = 130° → θ = 26° → The two adjacent angles are 26° and 154°. → The angles of the parallelogram are 26°, 154°, 26°, 154°.

Soppose you have two supplementary angles the measure of one angle is 180 what is the measure of the other angle a 160 b 90 c x?

The definition of supplementary angles is: Two angles whose sum is 180 degrees.If one of them is 180 degrees, then the other one is zero degrees.

Sketch the two adjacent angles 90 degrees and 90 degrees This is an example of angles?

Adjacent angles are two angles that are next to each other and share one side (ray) in common. They do not have to add up to 180 degrees, but they can. If the two of them add up to 180 degrees, they are called a linear pair, since their non-common sides will be opposite rays that make a straight line. Two 90-degree angles that are adjacent are a linear pair. They are supplementary (meaning they add up to 180 degrees) and a sketch of them will look like a T, either upside-down (typical), sideways, or right-side up, depending on how you want to draw them.

Related questions

What are two adjacent angles that measure 180 degrees called?

Sum of adjacent angles on a straight line.

What is the difference between adjacent and supplementary angles?

Supplementary angles are two angles whose measures add to 180 degrees. Adjacent angles are two angles that happen to lie next to each other, so that they combine to form a larger angle whose measure is the sum of the measures of the adjacent angles. Angles may be both adjacent and supplementary, in which case they will form a straight angle.

Two adjacent supplementary angles are called?

Two adjacent angles are considered supplementary angles. They aggregate and make an angle that measures 180 degrees.

Which are the two adjacent angles which are supplementary form what?

Supplementary adjacent angles add up to 180 degrees

Sum of two adjacent angles of pallelogram?

180 Degrees

Two adjacent angles that form a straight line?

they are called supplementary angles. a straight line has 180 degrees each side and two adjacent angles forming 180 degrees are called supplementary angles.

What is a complementery angle?

Complementary are angles two adjacent angles that add up to 90 decrees. Supplementary are angles two adjacent angles that add up to 180 degrees.

If the sum of the measures of two angles is 180 degrees the angles are?

they would be supplementary, and adjacent.

If two angles form a linear pair then they are adjacent and what?

They are adjacent and add up to 180 degrees.

Two adjacent angles mesasures add up to 180 are pair?

Supplementary angles add up to 180 degrees

How are the adjacent angles formed by intersecting lines related?

the two adjacent angles formed by the intersecting lines will equal 180 degrees.

Two angles are said to be adjacent if they?

A.the sum of their measures is 180