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Adjacent angles are two angles that are next to each other and share one side (ray) in common. They do not have to add up to 180 degrees, but they can. If the two of them add up to 180 degrees, they are called a linear pair, since their non-common sides will be opposite rays that make a straight line. Two 90-degree angles that are adjacent are a linear pair. They are supplementary (meaning they add up to 180 degrees) and a sketch of them will look like a T, either upside-down (typical), sideways, or right-side up, depending on how you want to draw them.

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Q: Sketch the two adjacent angles 90 degrees and 90 degrees This is an example of angles?
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What are adjacent supplementary angles?

The adjacent Supplementary angles are the sum of 2 angles that make 180 degrees.

Can two obtuse angle be adjacent angles?

Two angles are adjacent if they have the same vertex, share a side and do not overlap. It is, therefore, perfectly possible for two obtuse angles to be adjacent. In fact, every pair of adjacent angles in a hexagonal tessellation (a honeycomb, for example), consists of a pair of obtuse angles (120 degrees).

Two angles that are both adjacent and supplementary?

Any angle that is supplementary is also adjacent. Two examples of a set of adjacent, supplementary angles are: 89 degrees and 91 degrees; or 100 degrees and 80 degrees.

Does a rhombus have equal adjacent angles?

Generally, no. A rhombus will have supplementary adjacent angles (i.e. adding up to 180 degrees). The only time where the adjacent angles will be equal is when they are 90 degrees which by the way is a square.

What are two adjacent angles that measure 180?

If the angles are EACH 180 degrees and they are placed adjacent, then they forma complete revolution of 360 degrees.If the two angles add up to 180 degrees when they are placed adjacent, then they aresupplementary angles.

What are two adjacent angles that measure 180 degrees called?

Sum of adjacent angles on a straight line.

Can angles that add up to 90 degrees be called adjacent angles?


Which are the two adjacent angles which are supplementary form what?

Supplementary adjacent angles add up to 180 degrees

What are 2 adjacent angles with the sum of 90 degrees?

Such angles are called complementary angles.

If two angles are complementary the they are adjacent?

Not necessarily, complementary angles have degrees that add up to 90. This does not mean they are adjacent, although they can be.

What is the sum of adjacent angles in a paralellogram?

180 degrees.

Two adjacent supplementary angles are called?

Two adjacent angles are considered supplementary angles. They aggregate and make an angle that measures 180 degrees.