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The x axis is read first when plotting points in the form (x,y) on the xy-plane.

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Q: What axis do you read first on a graph?
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How do you graph acceleration?

The answer depends on what the graph is meant to show. The first step would be to read the axis labels.

What makes a graph misleading?

No titles or axis' No numbers Or making the graph difficult to read

What has numbers that help you read a bar graph?

A scale on the vertical axis.

What do you start with x or y axis?

When answering a graph question it doesn't really matter what axis you look t first. That's the same when constructing a graph , you can draw either axis first (:

Where is x axis and y axis on a graph?

The y axis is going up on the graph and the x axis is going sideways on the graph

Where is the axis in a pie graph?

A pie graph does not have an axis.

How do you read a point to point diagram?

Do you mean a line graph? In most graphs you have a vertical axis and a horizontal axis. Usually there is data, numbers, or other factors on each. The horizontal is the first number or data in the pair of numbers if you are going to graph it. Start at the bottom and move up until you are next to the number on the vertical axis.

What is the vertical axis of a graph called?

The y-axis is the vertical line on a line graph.

How do you find the domain on a graph?

Domain is considered the x-axis. So, to find the domain, one should to read the graph from left to right.

What is a vertical axis scale?

If you're talking about a graph then here's your answer... There are to axis's the x axis (horizontal) and the y axis (vertical). So your talking about the vertical scale so since a graph is shaped like an L the vertical part would contain the scale (numbers along the side) so that you can read a bar graph easier

What is the horizontal axis of a graph?

The horizontal axis of a typical graph would be the "X-axis"

What does the x and y axis mean?

The x-axis is the horizontal axis on a graph. The y-axis is the vertical axis on a graph.