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Nothing particular. The graph of y = x2, for example, changes slope at each point on the graph.

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Q: What do you call the point where a line on a graph changes slope?
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How do you find point-slope form?

The point slope form of a line is one that contains the point and the slope. It is (y-y1)=m(x-x1) Where (x1,y1) are the point on the line that you are given. The other (x,y) are any x and y and m is the slope. So if we have a point (1,2) just for example, and a slope m=3, then the point slope equation or form is (y-2)=3(x-1) Note: The point slope form is easy to remember. It comes directly from the definition of slope. The slope is the rise over the run, of (change in y values) divided (change in x values) Now call the slope m, and let a point we know be (x1,y1) and any other point on the line (x,y), then the slope is m=(y-y1)/(x-x1). Now multiply both sides by (x-x1) and you have the point slope form.

How do you find the slope between 2 points?

Call one point "Point 1" and the other "Point 2". (X1, Y1) are therefore the coordinates of "Point 1", and (X2, Y2) are the coordinates of "Point 2". Plug those values into this formula to get the slope of the line between those two points. m = slope (Y2-Y1)/(X2-X1)=m

Find th slope if it exists of the line containing the pair of points -5-13 and -17-19?

First we note that the slope does exist between the two points because the two points do not have the same x co-ordinate. Next, we apply the slope formula. slope=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1) Note that it does not matter which point you call as 1 or 2, you will still get the same result. For this example we will call point (-5,-13) as point 1 and (-17,-19) as point 2. Therefore: slope=(-19-(-13)) / (-17-(-5)) = (-6) / (-12) = 1/2 Therefore, the slope of the line containing the points (-5,-13) and (-17,-19) is 1/2.

The slope of a line will depend on which of the two points you choose to call x1 y1 and which you choose to call x2 y2 when calculating the slope?

The slope of a straight line is calculated as: slope = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1) = -1(y1 - y2)/-1(x1 - x2) = -1/-1 x (y1 - y2)/(x1 - x2) = 1 x (y1 - y2)/(x1 - x2) = (y1 - y2)/(x1 - x2) So it doesn't matter which way round you label the points: all that matters is that whichever point's y-coordinate you subtract from the other point's y-coordinate, you also subtract its x-coordinate from the other point's x-coordinate.

If the slope of a line is already known what else is needed in order to create an equation?

Either a point or the y-intercept.If the y-intercept is known (call it b), and, calling the slope m, the equation is y = mx + b.If a sample point (x0, y0) is known, then the equation is y - y0 = m(x - x0).

Related questions

What does a line with a negative slope indicate on a speed-time graph?

A line with a negative slope on a speed-time graph indicates that the speed is decreasing over time. This means that the object is slowing down or decelerating.

Is it true or false that the slope of the line on a speed-time graph tells the speed?

False. If speed is on the y-axis and time is on the x-axis, then any point (a,b) on the line will tell you the speed a at any given time b. The slope of the line will tell you the change in speed with respect to time, which we call acceleration.

How do you find point-slope form?

The point slope form of a line is one that contains the point and the slope. It is (y-y1)=m(x-x1) Where (x1,y1) are the point on the line that you are given. The other (x,y) are any x and y and m is the slope. So if we have a point (1,2) just for example, and a slope m=3, then the point slope equation or form is (y-2)=3(x-1) Note: The point slope form is easy to remember. It comes directly from the definition of slope. The slope is the rise over the run, of (change in y values) divided (change in x values) Now call the slope m, and let a point we know be (x1,y1) and any other point on the line (x,y), then the slope is m=(y-y1)/(x-x1). Now multiply both sides by (x-x1) and you have the point slope form.

What do they call the point at which several lines cross?

A common intersection.Lines that cross at one point are called intersecting lines. One of the defining characteristics is that one line will have a positive slope and the other will have a negative slope.

What does the slope of a velocity time graph represent?

The slope of a velocity-time graph represents the acceleration of an object. A steeper slope indicates a greater acceleration, while a flatter slope indicates a smaller acceleration. A horizontal line on a velocity-time graph would indicate constant velocity, since the velocity is not changing.

How do you find the slope between 2 points?

Call one point "Point 1" and the other "Point 2". (X1, Y1) are therefore the coordinates of "Point 1", and (X2, Y2) are the coordinates of "Point 2". Plug those values into this formula to get the slope of the line between those two points. m = slope (Y2-Y1)/(X2-X1)=m

Why does the ratio of rise and run in a linear function always the same?

The ratio of rise and run in a linear function (which its graph is a nonvertical line) is called the slope of the line. We can calculate the slope of the line by using any two points on the line and always the ratio of changes on their y-coordinates and the changes on x-coordinates (rise and run) is constant (unchanged). The reason is that two points determine a line and its direction, so the line is fixed and extends without end in that direction. Any line intersects the x-axis only at one point (we call it the x-intercept point) by forming an angle α (the inclination angle), where 0˚ ≤ α < 180˚, that is measured from the positive x-axis to the line. There is a theorem that state that the slope of a nonvertical line is the tangent of its inclination: m = tan α if α ≠ 90˚ (if α = 90˚, then the line is vertical and has no slope).

What do you call a pair of numbers used to determine the position of a point on a graph?

an ordered pair Coordinates.

How can you calculate acceleration from a velocity-time graph?

simply put the acceleration is the slope of the speed vs time graphTheory Partthink of it this way. the unit for speed is meters per second or m/sthe unit for acceleration is meters per second per second or m/s2so essentially if speed is the change in position per change in time, acceleration is the change in speed per change in time.Practical Partnow for the actual answer. look at the slope of your speed vs time graph at any time. that slope is the acceleration at that time. If you find the slope between two points on your graph, that gives you the average acceleration over that interval of time.

Find th slope if it exists of the line containing the pair of points -5-13 and -17-19?

First we note that the slope does exist between the two points because the two points do not have the same x co-ordinate. Next, we apply the slope formula. slope=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1) Note that it does not matter which point you call as 1 or 2, you will still get the same result. For this example we will call point (-5,-13) as point 1 and (-17,-19) as point 2. Therefore: slope=(-19-(-13)) / (-17-(-5)) = (-6) / (-12) = 1/2 Therefore, the slope of the line containing the points (-5,-13) and (-17,-19) is 1/2.

What do you call a ski slope used by beginners?

A nursery slope.

What do you a call a slope which the slope is less than y equals x?

There is no specific name for such a slope.