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Rectangular Prisim 2x(area of front)+2x(area of side)+x2(area of length)

Cube 2x(area of side)+2x(area of side)+2x(area of side)

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Q: What do you do to find the surface area of a shape?
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How do you calculate the surface-area-to-volume-ratio?

The surface-area-to-volume ratio may be calculated as follows: -- Find the surface area of the shape. -- Find the volume of the shape. -- Divide the surface area by the volume. The quotient is the surface-area-to-volume ratio.

How could you calculate the surface area of a shape?

To calculate the surface area of a shape find the area of each side, and then, add all of the areas together. The sum of the areas is the surface area.

How do you find the surface area for the following net?

The surface area for a solid shape formed from a net is the same as the area of the net.

How do you find the surface area of a net?

How do you find the suface area of a net? Answer: Do the formula for each shape that is in the net.

How do you find the surface?

If you want to find the surface of something, you must first specify which shape or object you wish to find the surface of, and need to say which area you are looking for, Lateral or Total surface area. Then someone will be able to answer your question.

How do you find the volume and surface area of a parellagram?

It has no volume because it's a 2D shape but its surface area is:- length*perpendicular height

How do you find the surface area for a solid?

It really depends on what solid you refer to. Basically, the surface area is basically taking a shape's net and finding the area of that.

Which formula can be used to find the surface area of a rectangular prism?

surface area=(perimeter of base)x(height of the shape)+(area of the base)x(2)

What is the amount of surface a shape has?

Surface area of a shape depends on what shape you have in mind.

Surface area of a hypercube?

As you would find the surface area of a normal shape using scale factors: to find the volume scale factor cubed, therefore to find the surface area of the hypercube, you do the scale factor to the power of four.

What is area length?

It all depends on what kind of surface you are trying to find the area for. Each shape has a different formula. Be more specific by saying what kind of shape you are trying to find.

How do you find the missing width in surface area?

Answer depends on what the shape is and what other information is available.