Oh, honey, that's just a variable! A number and two letters in algebra usually represent a mathematical expression or equation where the number is multiplied by the variable. It's like the algebraic version of "X marks the spot."
a variable minus a number and the same variable is b-6b= -5b
Just the number, for example: 7x the variable is 7. The variable is the number without the variable(x,y,z, etc.)
the coefficient of the variable
Independent variable: number of completed passes Dependent variable: number of touchdowns scored
the number next to a variable that multiplies the variable
the coefficient
It is called the "Base Number".
yes it does always remember that :)
A number, multiplied by a variable is part of an Algebraic equation. A person can find out the value of the variable if they divide each side by the number that is next to the variable. For example, if the equation is 5x = 60, divide each side by 5 and the answer is x = 12.
k = 10 3k = 30 When a number appears next to a variable (like "k") it usually means multiply the number times the variable.
Oh, honey, that's just a variable! A number and two letters in algebra usually represent a mathematical expression or equation where the number is multiplied by the variable. It's like the algebraic version of "X marks the spot."
a variable minus a number and the same variable is b-6b= -5b
The term coefficient refers to a number that is next to a variable. For example in the term 4x2, 4 is a coefficient, and 2 is an exponent; x is a variable.
You could look out of the window. the weather is a variable. you could count the number of pupils in your college from one day to the next over a year, that will vary.
Just the number, for example: 7x the variable is 7. The variable is the number without the variable(x,y,z, etc.)
We call a number that has no variable attached to it, a constant. A number attached to a variable, as in 3x, is called a coefficient.