its actually "please excuse my dear aunt sally" i dont know who invented it and i dont know why you would want to know
It's actually Please Excuse my Dear Aunt Sally... Parentheses Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction :) It's a little ditty for 3rd and 4th graders when they are taught Order of Operations. I still use it too!
1st step: ???? Its call PEMDAS ( please excuse my dear aunt sally) P= parenthesis ( ) E= exponents M= multiplication D= Division A= Addition S= Subtraction You always solve left to right and start with any ( ) and then exponents, mult, division ECT.....
Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction (remember that multiplication and division occur at the same time starting at the left and moving right and the same is true of addition and subtraction. So the six letters: PEMDAS Which is commonly expressed as Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally or Purple Elephants Marching Down A Street.
It means you have to solve the problem in parentheses first. ex: 2X4+5= 13; 2X (4+5) = 18. The answer is different because you have to solve the problem in the Order of Operations. 1) Parentheses 2) Exponents like 22 3) Multiplication 4) Division 5) Addition 6) Subtraction PEMDAS or Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally.
Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally is a phrase used to remember the steps of the order of operations in order. Parentheses (please) Exponents (excuse) My (multiplication) Dear (division) Aunt (addition) Sally (subtraction)
its actually "please excuse my dear aunt sally" i dont know who invented it and i dont know why you would want to know
Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally.
Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally is an acronym to remember the order of operations in algebraic equations. It stands for Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiply, Divide, Addition, Subtraction.
Aunt before Sally Addition before subtraction
Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally (PEMDAS) is pretty much what Order of Operations is. It means Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction.
PEMDAS Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
parenthesis, exponents, multiplication division, addition, subtraction
please excuse my dear aunt sally is in math this is when u have problems like 8 multiply 9 dived 8 u would multiply first because the m is before the d in pleases excuse my dear aunt sally that pembas thing helps u to know what u do first im in 6th grade and i know this that's sad whoever u r
please excuse my dear aunt sally .. parenthesis exponets multiplacation division addition subtract
Oh, dude, you're talking about the classic PEMDAS! It's like the golden rule of math, you know? Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally is just a fancy way of saying "do your math operations in the right order." It's like a secret code for math nerds, but hey, it gets the job done.