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Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction (remember that multiplication and division occur at the same time starting at the left and moving right and the same is true of addition and subtraction. So the six letters: PEMDAS Which is commonly expressed as Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally or Purple Elephants Marching Down A Street.

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Q: What six letters represent the order of operations in math?
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How do you do a math problem without order of operations?

You do it wrong. With out order of operations, the same math problem could have several different answers. In math, there is only one answer.

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What do you called the sets of letters in math subject?

If the letters represent unknowns they are usually called variable.

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Order of Operations

What Letters are used to represent values are called?

Variables. If you're talking about math.....

In math how do you simplify an expression?

Math can be difficult at times. To simplify a math expression, it is important to follow the order of operations, or PEMDAS.

When do letters represent numbers in math?

In many mathematical applications letters represent quantities that are being solved for and that are not initially known. There are also applications in computer science where calculations have to be made using math in base other than ten. For example hexadecimal numbers are sometimes used to locate a spot in a system dump in order to troubleshoot a problem. In hex arithmetic, letters A through F could represent 10 through 15, the number 10 equaling 16.

What is the letter in a term in math called?

In a mathematial equation the letters wither represent a variable or a constant.

How to use parentheses in math to clarify the order of operations?

Parentheses in math are used to indicate which operations should be done first. Anything inside the parentheses should be calculated before anything outside the parentheses. This helps clarify the order of operations in a mathematical expression.