

What does point - slope form look like?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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point-slope form looks like... y-y1=m(x-x1) these parts stay the same.... y- = (x- ) and you plug in the ordere4d pair you are given into it. So if the ordered pair is (2,3) (x,y) it will be y-3=m(x-2)

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What does the point slope formula look like?

y - y1 = m(x - x1), where m is the slope of the line, and (x1, y1) is a point on the line.

How do you find the y intercept when you have the slope and a point?

The equation of a line can be written in a format called "point slope form". Equations in this form look like y - y1= m(x - x1). In this formula (x1,y1) is any point on the line, m is the slope, x is the input (or dependent variable) and y is the output or dependent variable. Using this, and a given slope and point, you can construct the equation for a line. The y-intercept is the point where a line crosses the y-axis. You don't know where on the y-axis, but you know that the x-value of any point of the y-axis is 0. Therefore, you can solve for the y-intercept bus substituting 0 for x and solving for y.

What does 2.51 slope look like?

For every unit a point travels in the positive x direction, it travels 2.51 units in the positive y direction.

How do you find the slope intercept form when the slope is zero and you are given the coordinates 6 and 5?

Assuming 6 is the x-coordinate and 5 is the y-coordinate, you plot your first point at (6,5). From the (0,0) point, you go to the right 6 units, and then up 5 units. Put a dot there. A line with a 0 slope is a horizontal line, so you just draw that line through the point (6,5). The line would look the same regardless of what x value is named in your equation. The equation would read y=5, because the x-coordinate is not used in slope-intercept form (y=mx+b).

How many solution does a system of equation with lines of same slope and y-intercept have?

Two lines with the same slope and y-intercept look like one single line. The "system" of equations consists of the same equation twice. The lines coincide at every point, which means there are an infinite number of solutions.

Related questions

When does the equation of a line in slope-intercept form look just like its equation in point-slope form?

When it is a line through the origin.

What is point-slope form?

y - y1 = m (x - x1) If your point was (5,4) and your slope was 3, then the equation would look like this: y - 4 = 3 (x - 5) Then you would use distributive property to solve from there...but continueing to solve would not be point-slope form... y-4=3(x-5) would be your complete answer for a question asking to write an equation in point-slope form.

What does an undefined slope look like?

Undefined slope is a vertical line along the horizontal point of origin., the slope would have a denominator of zero, which is undefined.

What is (-3-4) and (-7-6) in slope intercept form?

If you have the original equation, then I can show you how it can be rearranged into slope-intercept form. Slope intercept form will look like this: y = m*x + b.

What does slope intercept look like?

The standard form of the slope-intercept equation is: y = mx + b where "m" is the slope, and "b" is the y-intercept.

The point-slope equation for a given line may look different than the slope- intercept form but they will simplifly algebraically to the same equation?

True ~APEX

What is the slope intercept form of this equation?

The slope-intercept form of an equation is y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept. Without the specific equation, it is not possible to determine the values of m and b for the slope-intercept form.

What does the point slope formula look like?

y - y1 = m(x - x1), where m is the slope of the line, and (x1, y1) is a point on the line.

What Forms a line when graphed?

Any function of the form f(x) = ax + b, or any relation of the form Ax + By = C. The first form will give you a line of slope "a" passing through the point (0, b). The second form will give you a line crossing the x-axis at x = C/A and crossing the y-axis at y = C/B. You can switch between them at will. Horizontal lines will just look like y = number. Their slope will be zero. Vertical lines will just look like x = number. They will have no defined slope.

How do you find the y intercept when you have the slope and a point?

The equation of a line can be written in a format called "point slope form". Equations in this form look like y - y1= m(x - x1). In this formula (x1,y1) is any point on the line, m is the slope, x is the input (or dependent variable) and y is the output or dependent variable. Using this, and a given slope and point, you can construct the equation for a line. The y-intercept is the point where a line crosses the y-axis. You don't know where on the y-axis, but you know that the x-value of any point of the y-axis is 0. Therefore, you can solve for the y-intercept bus substituting 0 for x and solving for y.

How do you find the y intercept in slope intercept form?

Definition of slope intercept form:The slope-intercept form is one way to write a linear equation (the equation of a line). The slope-intercept form is written as y = mx+b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept (the point where the line crosses the y-axis). It's usually easy to graph a line using y=mx+b. Other forms of linear equations are the standard form and the point-slope form.For example, if you have slope of 2 and points (4, 5) your equation will look like this:5=2x+bif x=4, you get 5=2(4)+bsolve for b: -3y=2x-3

What does a zero slope look like?

in a graph, a line with a zero slope is the one that is parallel to the x-axis. It is represented by an equation of the form y = a constant, independent of x values.