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15x9 = 135 squared feet

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Q: What ia the area of a rectangle with a length of 15 ft and width of 9ft?
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What is the area of a rectangle that is 7 ft wide by 9 ft long?

Area of a rectangle equals length times width. A = l x w = 9ft x 7ft = 63ft2

What is the perimeter and area of a figure with length of 9ft and width of 6ft?

If you assume that the area in question is a rectangle, then Perimeter = 2*(L+ B) = 2*(9 + 6) = 2*15 = 30 feet Area = L*B = 9*6 = 54 square feet

What is the formula of finding the area of square?

To find the area of a square: -- Measure the length of any side. In a square, all sides are the same length. -- Multiply that number by itself. ("Square" the number.) Example: If each side of the square is 9ft long, then the area is (9ft times 9ft) = 81 square ftAll four sides of a square have equal length. Call that length 'S'.The formula for area, which we shall call 'A', is:A = S2=======================================Another contributor clarified (?) :Simply, A= area, L= length. W= width A=LW, as in any square that has two equal sides.

Rectangle is 9ft by 12ft square is 2ft by 2ft. How do you find the area of the square inside the rectangle?

by using your brain

How many square feet in 9ft by 15ft?

135 square feet. To calculate square feet simply multiply length by width - the result is the area in square feet.

How many 9 ft by 9 ft tiles fit in a room with an area of 300 ft?

First determine the area of each tile. Area is defined in a quadrilateral as length times width. 9ft X 9ft = 81ft^2 Now just divide: 300ft^2 / 81ft^2 = 3.704 tiles The answer is 3.704 or almost 4 tiles.

A rectangle measures 12ft x 9ft what is the area?

12 * 9 = 108 square feet = 12 square yards

How many cubic square feet are in 9 ft by 9ft area?

Your square footage is the length and width or 9x9 or 81sq ft. For cubic you need to include another measurement, that would be the depth. For instance if you want the depth to be 9ft also then your cubic measurement would be 9x9x9 or 729 cu ft.

How many square feet in a room 9ft by 15ft long?

135 square feet. Just multiply length by width - the answer is the square footage.

What is the answer for a rectangle of 29ft 9ft 15ft 17ft?

More important, what is the question? Four different lengths do not define a rectangle.

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Find the perimeter and area of a rectangle that measures 14ft long by 9ft wide?

the formular for area of a two dimesional object is: L (length) x W (width) = L x W = A Perimiter is figured out by: (L x 2) + (W x 2)= P So the area will be: 14 x 9 = 126 square feet Perimiter: (14 x 2) + (9 x 2) = 28 + 18 = 46 feet