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It tells how much the reaction rate is affected by concentrations.

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Q: What information does the rate constant give from the rate law?
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Which equation is an expression of the rate law?

Rate = k[A]m[B]n

What is a factor held constant?

In science, as in real life sometimes several 'factors' effect the outcome of an experiment. In order to make the problem easier to study one or more of these is 'held constant' or not allowed to change in order to see the effect of the other variables. EX. Gas volume can be effected by both pressure and temperature. In order to understand the effect of pressure, Boyle kept the temperature constant. He then changed the pressure to see what happened to the volume of a gas. This gave him what is now called Boyle's Law: The volume of a gas varies inversely as the pressure when the temperature is held constant.

Can you give an example of a sentence using the word equal?

The two amounts were equal. In the eyes of the law both claims were determined to be equal. She mixed equal amounts of rice and water.

How do engineers use algebra?

Algebra is one of the most fundamental tools for engineers (and physicists) because it allows them to determine the value of something (length, material constant, temperature, mass, and so on....) given values that they do know (possibly other length, material properties, mass......).Although the types of problems that different types of engineers (mechanical, chemical, civil, environmental) deal with varies a lot, all engineers use algebra to solve problems. Mechanical engineers, for example, will usually use calculus to determine the dimensions a certain part may need to be, but in situations where things are constant, it is much faster to simply use algebra. For example, in a situation where there is constant acceleration (due to something simple like gravity) and an object with constant mass, newton's 2nd law (Force = mass * acceleration) may be quickly used to determine the force associated. In most situations, however, the acceleration will not be constant, so calculus will need to be used.Another example of where algebra is frequently used is in simple electrical circuits, where the resistance is "ohmic", or linearly proportional to voltage. Using "Ohm's Law," or V=IR, an engineer may simply divide the voltage of a circuit by the current that they desire (for whatever reason) to determine the type of resistor they should put in the circuit.UNICORNS AND GIRAFFES ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B]

How do you convert water flow in litres per min to pressure in bar?

The relationship between pressure and flow is given by Bernoulli's law. In an idealized system, the speed increases with the square of the increase in pressure. The flow rate would be given by multiplying the area of the outflow by the speed.

Related questions

What information doe the rate constant give from the rate law?

It tells how much the reaction rate is affected by concentrations.

What information does the rate constant given from the rate law?

it tells how much the reaction rate is affected by concentration

What must be known for the rate constant to be calculated from the rate law?

The reaction rate at known reactant concentrations.

How can the rate constant be determined from the rate law?

The rate constant is the reaction rate divided by the concentration terms.

What information does the rate constant give the rate law?

It tells how much the reaction rate is affected by concentrations.

How can the rate constant be determine from the rate law?

The rate constant is the reaction rate divided by the concentration terms.

How can rate constant be determined from the rate law?

The rate constant is the reaction rate divided by the concentration terms.

What units must the rate constant have based on the rate law, and can you provide an example of how to calculate it?

The rate constant must have units that make the rate equation balanced. For example, if the rate law is rate kA2B, the rate constant k must have units of M-2 s-1. To calculate the rate constant, you can use experimental data and the rate law equation to solve for k.

What is the k in the rate law equation?

A rate constant

What is the zero order reaction rate law and how does it determine the rate of a chemical reaction?

The zero order reaction rate law states that the rate of a chemical reaction is independent of the concentration of the reactants. This means that the rate of the reaction remains constant over time. The rate of the reaction is determined solely by the rate constant, which is specific to each reaction. This rate law is expressed as: Rate k, where k is the rate constant.

In what ways do reaction rate, rate law, and rate constant differ in chemical kinetics?

In chemical kinetics, reaction rate refers to how fast a reaction occurs, rate law is the mathematical expression that relates the reaction rate to the concentrations of reactants, and rate constant is a constant value that represents the speed of the reaction at a specific temperature.

What has the largest value of the rate constant?

how does the rate law show how concentration changes after the rate of reaction