write both fractions with a common denominator 22/24 - 15/24 = 7/24
7/8 = 0.875
12/32 = 3/8
To convert a fraction with 8 as the denominator into one with 64 as the denominator, one needs to multiply the top and the bottom of the fraction by 8. As 3 is the numerator on the fraction 3/8 we need to multiply it by 8. This gives us 24. So 3/8 = (3/8 x 8/8) = 24/64 So, there are twentyfour 64ths in three 8ths
Nope - 7/8 is greater Here's a cool way to solve these types of problems First write 5/6ths and 7/8ths on a sheet of paper. Then multiply the numbers that are across from each other. 8x5 and 7x6 are the numbers. 8x5=40 7x6=42 42 is greater than 40, and the numerator of the fraction used in the equation is the bigger fraction. 7 is the numerator of 7/8 which is bigger than 5/6.
11/12ths is larger than 7/8ths.
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, 5/8 - 7/12 = 1/24 or one twenty-fourth. Expressed as a decimal, this is equal to 0.0416 recurring (that is, 0.0416666...)
17 7/8 - 12 3/12 17 21/24 - 12 6/24=5 15/24 Answer is 5 and 15 over 24.
It is four 8ths which is also one half.
3/5 is not equivalent
4 and 3 8ths
The answer is 7/8 minus 5/6 = 1/24
The estimated sum is 11 The actual sum is 10 and 19/24
1 whole and 1 8th
It works out as 109/16 or 6.8125
0.375 inches