To convert a fraction with 8 as the denominator into one with 64 as the denominator, one needs to multiply the top and the bottom of the fraction by 8. As 3 is the numerator on the fraction 3/8 we need to multiply it by 8. This gives us 24. So 3/8 = (3/8 x 8/8) = 24/64 So, there are twentyfour 64ths in three 8ths
7/8 = 0.875
write both fractions with a common denominator 22/24 - 15/24 = 7/24
None, but there are three quarters in 6 8ths.
Drill bits are sold in increments of 64ths, 32nds, 16ths, 8ths, ect. They are also sold in increments of "numbers" from 1 to ?. 1 being the small size.
There are eight 3/8ths in 3.
Thirty two of them because 32 times 1/32nds = 1 inch
1 and 3/8ths is the same as 8/8ths + 3/8ths. This is summed to 11/8ths. Half of that would be 11/16ths.
246.15 8ths
There are two (2) 8ths in a quarter inch. This means that there are 8 8ths in a whole inch.
Three eighths of 960 is 360.
3/8 of 560 = 210
3/8 of 200 is 75.
There are 32 32nds of an inch in one inch.
1 millimeter is approximately equal to 25.4/32 inches. Therefore, 10 millimeters is equal to 10 × 25.4/32 = 7.9375 thirty-seconds (32nds) of an inch.