To convert 3.85 to a mixed number, we first note that the whole number part is 3. The decimal part .85 can be expressed as a fraction over 100, which is 85/100. Simplifying this fraction gives us 17/20. Putting it all together, 3.85 as a mixed number is 3 17/20.
mixed numbers
Change it into a mixed number then take the reciprocol of it.
It is 76 and 3/100 as a mixed number
The mixed number for 5.425 is 5 (17 over 40)
You can't have a mixed number if it's less than 1.
To convert 385 into a mixed fraction, you first divide the numerator (385) by the denominator (1) to get the whole number part of the mixed fraction, which is 385. Then, you take the remainder (0 in this case) as the numerator of the fractional part and the original denominator (1) as the denominator. So, 385 as a mixed fraction is 385 0/1.
It is 385.
The required number is 35.
5 x 7 x 11 = 385
As a product of its prime factors: 5*7*11 = 385
385, 770, 1155, 1540, 1925, 2310 +385 . . .