To convert 385 into a mixed fraction, you first divide the numerator (385) by the denominator (1) to get the whole number part of the mixed fraction, which is 385. Then, you take the remainder (0 in this case) as the numerator of the fractional part and the original denominator (1) as the denominator. So, 385 as a mixed fraction is 385 0/1.
0.714285 does not convert to a mixed fraction, just a fraction. It is: 142857/200000
because a proper fraction is less than1 and a mixed fraction is greater than 1
You can either add the fractional parts and, if required, convert the answer to a mixed fraction and then add the integer part to the integer parts of the two original numbers; or change both numbers to top-heavy (or improper) fractions, add them and then convert the answer to a mixed fraction.
Use a catolator
Yes. Just divide 310 by 100, then convert the resulting fraction to a mixed fraction.
The answer depends on what you wish to convert into a mixed fraction.
Convert the mixed fraction to an improper fraction, multiply by the whole number, convert the answer back to a mixed fraction (if required).
0.714285 does not convert to a mixed fraction, just a fraction. It is: 142857/200000
Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction and proceed.
Convert the mixed number to a fraction and invert numerator and denominator
because a proper fraction is less than1 and a mixed fraction is greater than 1
If doing it without a calculator, then convert each mixed fraction into a top-heavy equivalent fraction and then multiply as for fractions.
You can either add the fractional parts and, if required, convert the answer to a mixed fraction and then add the integer part to the integer parts of the two original numbers; or change both numbers to top-heavy (or improper) fractions, add them and then convert the answer to a mixed fraction.
Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction. Convert the whole number to a fraction with a common denominator. Proceed with the subtraction.
851 is an integer - neither a proper fraction not a mixed number!
Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction. For any fraction, divide the denominator into the numerator and multiply that total by 100. 3/4 = 0.75 = 75%