

What is a Googol Digits of Pi?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Lvl 1
9y ago

Best Answer

I have it right here in front of me. Unfortunately, in order to upload a googol digits
to the internet, even at the upload speed of 100 MB per second that I have here in
my house, would take 3.17 trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion years ...
even after I finished typing them, and I have other work to do today.

Notice that if you tried to download the number, it would take the same length of time,
and you'd need a trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion Terabytes of available
hard-drive space to store it.

Honest, I'd send it to you. But I was telling a little fib up above, where I said I have it
right here in front of me. I don't. The truth is that so far, pi has only been calculated
to something like 6 trillion digits. A googol is something like 1.67 thousand trillion
trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion times more than that. So you'll have to wait
a while, until the Japanese mathematicians and their supercomputers catch up with
what you're asking for. Until then, save your pennies. It'll take them a serious-big
shipment for them to send it to you, even on DVDs.

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That would be 10^100 of them. This website does not allow answers with that amount of information in them.

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How many digits does a googol have?

1 googol = 10100 = '1' followed by 100 zeroes. The number has (1 googol + 1) digits.

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A number between a tenth of a googol and a googol or a duotrigintillion.

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Any number between a googol/10 and a googol minus 1.

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A googol is one followed by 100 zeros ( 100 digits). That is less than a billion digits, for sure. But a googolplex is one follwed by a googol number of zeros. That is more than a billion digits, for sure.

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The mathematical number googol is a very large number and it has the digit 1 followed by total of 100 zeroes. In total the number googol has 101 digits.

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pi is an irrational number so there are no sustained patterns in the digits of pi.

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To 30 digits, pi equals 3.141592653589793238462643383279.

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3.14159265358979323846 are the first 20 digits of pi.

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1.2411 trillion digits (1,241,100,000,000) digits of pi have been dicovered.