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A discount is a reduction of an item price either by a percentage or a fixed amount, resulting in net lower cost.

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Q: What is discount on an item?
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Related questions

Difference between trade discount and cash discount?

A trade discount occurs when an item is offered along with another item that is paid for. A cash discount is a reduction in the price of an item.

What is the discount of an item?

the discount of an item is the reduced price of the market price.the discount is provided when enough goods of the product are not sold, so they sell it in the lesser price

How do you find the percentage of some thing you got a discount on?

you take the amount of the discount and divide it by the cost of the item, the answer will be your percentage. ex: 10.00 item with a 2.50 discount = 25%

Difference between a single trade discount and a series discount?

Single trade discount is the discount you would get when you buy 1 of the item. ex. Chips discount 99 cents. Series discount is something that you would have to buy more then 1 of the item to get the discount. ex. Peanuts, 1 for 60 cents, 2 for dollar.

If an item has a retail price of $475 and a discount of $45, what percentage discount is offered?


How do you do a math problem with discount?

To find the discount of something, you need to take whatever percent the discount is, turn it into a decimal, and multiply it by the price of the discounted item. Example: You want to buy something that is $10.00 The item has a 25% discount. take 10 and multiply it by .25 Discount: $2.50

Can you calculate the amount of discount of a 100 item that is 10 percent off in your head and not perform any calculations on paper?

Yes. To determine the discount of 10%, move the decimal one space to the left. That will be the 10% discount. So if you're looking at a $100.00 item, the discount would be $10. If you're looking at a $79.85 item, the discount is $7.985 (or roughly $8.00).

What does discount mean?

Testimony that is not believed for some reason.

How much is a 10 percent discount of 30.00?

10% discount on an item marked 30.00 is 3.00

What is the amount by which the regular price of an item is reduced?

The discount.

What is the percentage rate for a sale item with this discount of 30 percent off any 150 purchase?

depends on the price of the item. below $150 there is no discount rate. Above $150 the discount is 30% SO YOU ARE PAYING 70%.

What is the difference between a cash discount and a trade discount?

a cash is an amount deducted from the value of an item at time of purchase, while a trade discount is the deducted from purchase amount for an item of placed value surrendered at time of purchase.