A trade discount occurs when an item is offered along with another item that is paid for. A cash discount is a reduction in the price of an item.
To find the discount of something, you need to take whatever percent the discount is, turn it into a decimal, and multiply it by the price of the discounted item. Example: You want to buy something that is $10.00 The item has a 25% discount. take 10 and multiply it by .25 Discount: $2.50
10% discount on an item marked 30.00 is 3.00
a cash is an amount deducted from the value of an item at time of purchase, while a trade discount is the deducted from purchase amount for an item of placed value surrendered at time of purchase.
80 what discount, - $80 or 80%. Assuming you mean $80 discount then subtract $80 from $300 = $220
A trade discount occurs when an item is offered along with another item that is paid for. A cash discount is a reduction in the price of an item.
A discount is a reduction of an item price either by a percentage or a fixed amount, resulting in net lower cost.
you take the amount of the discount and divide it by the cost of the item, the answer will be your percentage. ex: 10.00 item with a 2.50 discount = 25%
Single trade discount is the discount you would get when you buy 1 of the item. ex. Chips discount 99 cents. Series discount is something that you would have to buy more then 1 of the item to get the discount. ex. Peanuts, 1 for 60 cents, 2 for dollar.
To find the discount of something, you need to take whatever percent the discount is, turn it into a decimal, and multiply it by the price of the discounted item. Example: You want to buy something that is $10.00 The item has a 25% discount. take 10 and multiply it by .25 Discount: $2.50
Yes. To determine the discount of 10%, move the decimal one space to the left. That will be the 10% discount. So if you're looking at a $100.00 item, the discount would be $10. If you're looking at a $79.85 item, the discount is $7.985 (or roughly $8.00).
Testimony that is not believed for some reason.
10% discount on an item marked 30.00 is 3.00
The discount.
depends on the price of the item. below $150 there is no discount rate. Above $150 the discount is 30% SO YOU ARE PAYING 70%.
a cash is an amount deducted from the value of an item at time of purchase, while a trade discount is the deducted from purchase amount for an item of placed value surrendered at time of purchase.