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In math, an equation that is always true is called an identity.

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Q: What is it called when an equation is always true?
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What is an equation called that is not always true?

Seems to me like if it's not always true, then it's no equation.

What is an equation that is true regardless of the values of the variables called?

An equation that is always true is an identity.

What a word of An equation that is always true?

Identity equation

Is an equation always equal or true?

No, it's not

What are the values of the variable that make an equation true called?

They are called the "solutions" of the equation.

If an equation is an identity what is true about the solution?

It is true for all permissible values of any variables in the equation. More simply put, it is always true.

What of an equation is any value that makes the equation true?

Such an equation is called an IDENTITY.

What is it called when there is an equation that is always true?

an identity? maybe a tautology? Comment by mgately: In the field of discrete mathematics (simplified the study of logic) any expression which always evaluates to true is in fact called a tautology. While less cool sounding, an expression which always evaluates to false is just called a contradiction.

What is a number that can replace a variable in an equation to make it true called?

It's called the "solution" of the equation.

Is the solution to an equation any number that makes the equation true?

not always but most of the time yes

A replacement that makes an equation true is called what?

That is called a solution.

What is the number that makes an equation true called?

It's callled the "solution" of the equation.