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If you mean pi as in 3.14159... I can answer. Pi is a relationship that compares the circumference of a circle to the diameter of that same circle by division. In any circle, if you divide the length of the circumference of that circle by the length of its diameter you will get 3.14159... or pi. This can be very helpful to know because it is much easier to measure the diameter of a circle than to measure the distance around the circle (circumference). If you multiply the diameter by 3.14159... you will find the circumference. If C = circumference; D = diameter; pi = 3.14159 theses are some useful formulas: C = D X 3.14159 or D = C / 3.14159 or 3.14159 = C / D

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Q: What is mean by pi in mathematics?
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What does pie in math equal?

'pie' does not equal anything in mathematics. 'Pie' can be eaten as an apple pie or a meat pie. If you mean 'pi' , note the spelling. then it approximates to. pi =~=3.14 pi =~=3.1416 pi =~=3.141592 pi = 3.141592.... It is an irrational number, which casually means that the decimals go infinity, and the decimal digits are NOT in any regular order. To date 'pi' has been calculated , by super dupa computers, to at least 50,000,000,000 ( 50 billion) places and still going. NB 'pi' is the small/lower case Classical Greek letter 'p' , and refers to proportion as in C = pi d ( Of circles). 'pi' is the constant of **p**roportion.

In math why does pi represent 3.14?

Pi does not represent 3.14. Pi represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Pi is an irrational number. 3.14 is but the crudest approximation of pi. A better approximation is 3.1416. Still better is 3.14159. The closest approximation commonly used in real-world applilcations is 3.14159262. If anything, 3.14 represents pi, and represents it very imprecisely. As for why the term "pi" was chosen to represent this important concept in mathematics, it was chosen because it is the initial letter of the greek word for "perimeter".

What does a backwards 3 mean in mathematics?

Do you mean this symbol ∈ (or backwards 3) if so, it means is an element of; Also, ∉ (with strikethrough) (or backwards 3 with strikethrough) is the symbol for "is not an element of" used in set membership. See also Element (mathematics) and Set (mathematics)

What is the deffinition of pi?

I assume that you mean "the 'definition' of pi", which is the circumference of a circle divided by it's diameter (c/d).

What is 3 pi?

If you are meaning it in sense of a geometry, the it's 3 * 180 degrees (which is what they mean by pi) = 540 degrees.

Related questions

What does pi really mean?

In mathematics, the Greek letter pi refers to the constant ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter (assuming Euclidian space).

Which words have pi in them?

the word pi as a mathematics multiple by pi .r.2that's what pi stands for.

What does the symbol π mean?

That's pi, the sixteenth letter of the Greek alphabet. In mathematics, it is defined as the numerical value of the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.

What does the keyword "pi" stand for in the context of mathematics?

In mathematics, the keyword "pi" represents the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, which is approximately 3.14159.

What is the value of di?

If you mean 'pi,' the value of pi necessary for almost all practical mathematics is: 3.14159265 Further than that is only necessary for very delicate geometry and physics.

When is pi typically used in mathematics?

Pi is used to find area and circumference of a circle.

History of additional mathematics?

Additional mathematics is also called PI and was used in Ancient Egyptian civilizations. Pi helped the Egyptians plan the construction of the pyramids.

What is represented in mathematics by the Greek letter pi?


What is the national day of mathematics?

It is Pi Day on March 14th

What is a pie in mathematics?

pi in mathematics is used to determine the circumference of a circle. if you take a piece of string the length of the diameter of the cicle it would go around the circle 3.14159265358978 times (pi).

Pi is transcendental What does this mean in mathematics?

An algebraic number is one which is a root of a non-constant polynomial equation with rational coefficients. A transcendental number is not an algebraic number. Although a transcendental number may be complex, Pi is not.

When are irrational numbers used in mathematics?

Two of the most important numbers in advanced mathematics are pi and e and both are irrational.