

What is 3 pi?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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If you are meaning it in sense of a geometry, the it's 3 * 180 degrees (which is what they mean by pi) = 540 degrees.

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No because, Sphere : (4 * pi * cube of the radius)/3 Hemisphere: (2 * pi * cube of the radius)/3 Cylinder: pi * (square of the base radius) * height Cone: (pi * square of base radius * height)/3 No because, Sphere : (4 * pi * cube of the radius)/3 Hemisphere: (2 * pi * cube of the radius)/3 Cylinder: pi * (square of the base radius) * height Cone: (pi * square of base radius * height)/3 No because, Sphere : (4 * pi * cube of the radius)/3 Hemisphere: (2 * pi * cube of the radius)/3 Cylinder: pi * (square of the base radius) * height Cone: (pi * square of base radius * height)/3 No because, Sphere : (4 * pi * cube of the radius)/3 Hemisphere: (2 * pi * cube of the radius)/3 Cylinder: pi * (square of the base radius) * height Cone: (pi * square of base radius * height)/3 No because, Sphere : (4 * pi * cube of the radius)/3 Hemisphere: (2 * pi * cube of the radius)/3 Cylinder: pi * (square of the base radius) * height Cone: (pi * square of base radius * height)/3 No because, Sphere : (4 * pi * cube of the radius)/3 Hemisphere: (2 * pi * cube of the radius)/3 Cylinder: pi * (square of the base radius) * height Cone: (pi * square of base radius * height)/3 No because, Sphere : (4 * pi * cube of the radius)/3 Hemisphere: (2 * pi * cube of the radius)/3 Cylinder: pi * (square of the base radius) * height Cone: (pi * square of base radius * height)/3 No because, Sphere : (4 * pi * cube of the radius)/3 Hemisphere: (2 * pi * cube of the radius)/3 Cylinder: pi * (square of the base radius) * height Cone: (pi * square of base radius * height)/3 No because, Sphere : (4 * pi * cube of the radius)/3 Hemisphere: (2 * pi * cube of the radius)/3 Cylinder: pi * (square of the base radius) * height Cone: (pi * square of base radius * height)/3 No because, Sphere : (4 * pi * cube of the radius)/3 Hemisphere: (2 * pi * cube of the radius)/3 Cylinder: pi * (square of the base radius) * height Cone: (pi * square of base radius * height)/3 No because, Sphere : (4 * pi * cube of the radius)/3 Hemisphere: (2 * pi * cube of the radius)/3 Cylinder: pi * (square of the base radius) * height Cone: (pi * square of base radius * height)/3 No because, Sphere : (4 * pi * cube of the radius)/3 Hemisphere: (2 * pi * cube of the radius)/3 Cylinder: pi * (square of the base radius) * height Cone: (pi * square of base radius * height)/3

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Volume is not necessarily in pi. For example, the volume of a cube, with sides of 3 cm is 3*3*3 = 27 cubic cm. Not a hint of pi anywhere in that!