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Those are both perfectly valid terms, which you would use according to context. You might say, for example, that obesity has a negative correlation to longevity. And in an aqueous solution there is an inverse correlation between hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions.

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Q: What is more correct negative correlation or inverse correlation?
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I would assume a negative correlation. More TV sets per home = less newspaper circulation.

Is traffic volume and commuting time a negative correlation or positive correlation?

Positive. More traffic means the journey takes more time.

Can a correlation be measured?

A correlation can be measured by comparing negative and positive aspects of two or more items. If there are 4 items and 4 identical positives there is a 100% correlation between the 4 items.

Are negative and inverse relationships the same?

Not necessarily. Negatives are called opposites, or additive inverses. Inverses is much more general. For example, the inverse of an exponent is a logarithm.

What is the process of correlation?

Correlation is a statistical measure that indicates the extent to which two or more variables fluctuate together. A positive correlation indicates the extent to which those variables increase or decrease in parallel; a negative correlation indicates the extent to which one variable increases as the other decreases.

If a study showed that students that have more hours in a driver's education class have fewer accidents this would be a(n)?

negative correlation.

A negative correlation was found between weight and distance walked. Would you conclude that walking causes lower weight and can you think of an alternate explanation for the findings?

Negative correlation implies an inverse relationship between a person's weight and the amount of distance that they walk (say on an average day). So you can conclude that heavier people are more likely to walk less. Lighter people are more likely to walk more.Remember though that correlation does not always equate to causation. What this means in practical terms is that walking more does not necessarily mean you'll lose weight. Conversely, walking less does not necessarily mean that you'll gain weight. Or thinking of it another way, losing weight will not necessarily cause you to walk more and gaining weight will not necessarily cause you to walk less.

Example of correlational research?

AnswerIn a negative correlation, as the values of one of the variables increase, the values of the second variable decrease. Likewise, as the value of one of the variables decreases, the value of the other variable increases. This is still a correlation. It is like an "inverse" correlation. The word "negative" is a label that shows the direction of the correlation.There is a negative correlation between TV viewing and class grades-students who spend more time watching TV tend to have lower grades (or phrased as students with higher grades tend to spend less time watching TV).Here are some other examples of negative correlations:1. Education and years in jail-people who have more years of education tend to have fewer years in jail (or phrased as people with more years in jail tend to have fewer years of education)2. Crying and being held-among babies, those who are held more tend to cry less (or phrased as babies who are held less tend to cry more)We can also plot the grades and TV viewing data, shown in the table below. The scatterplot below shows the sample data from the table. The line on the scatterplot shows what a negative correlation looks like. Any negative correlation will have a line with that direction.Participant GPA TV in hours per week #1 3.1 14 #2 2.4 10 #3 2.0 20 #4 3.8 7 #5 2.2 25 #6 3.4 9 #7 2.9 15 #8 3.2 13 #9 3.7 4 #10 3.5 21In this sample, the correlation is -.63.

Which functions do not have an inverse?

y = x2 where the domain is the set of real numbers does not have an inverse, because the square root function is a one-two-two mapping (except at 0). Any polynomial with more than one root, over the reals, has no inverse. y = 1/x has no inverse across 0. But it is possible to define the domain so that each of these functions has an inverse. For example y = x2 where x is non-negative has the square root function as its inverse.

A negative value for correlation indicates what?

Data can be correlated (meaning there is an indication of a relationship) either positively or negatively. The datasets of two variables (x,y) which have a negative correlations, when plotted, will show a negative trend, that means with increasing values of x, there will be, generally, decreasing values of y. An example of negative correlation, would be the more hours someone exercises, the less they weigh, if weight loss is measured as a negative number and weight gain as a positive number. In this case x= hours exercised, y = final weight - original weight. For presentation purposes, we frequently define our variable to show positive correlations. As per the above example, I could have defined y = original weight - final weight, which would show a positive correlation and plot as an upward trend. It would not change the absolute value of correlation just the sign. You may check wikipedia under correlation to get more understanding.

How does school influence the religious faith of a teenager?

A:There is a consistent negative correlation between the level of education and religious belief. The more highly educated a person is, the more likely he or she is to become an atheist. This correlation applies even for children who go to religious schools or who receive religious instruction.

What is direct and inverse relationships are?

Let us say that we are considering two quantities which we can call x and y. These could be anything - temperature and pressure, population and crime rate, weight and height, etc. If these have a direct relationship (or a direct correlation as we might also call it) that means that if you increase one, you increase the other, or if you decrease one, you decrease the other. So if x increases, y also increases. If it is an inverse relationship (or correlation) that means that increasing one will decrease the other. If you get more x, you will then have less y. Note that there is a third alternative. Many things have no relationship, either direct or inverse, so if you increase x, that tells you nothing about what will happen with y. These quantities would be said to have no correlation.