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it would be 21. I think the answer is -22. Because -16 + -21= -37 + 15= -22

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Q: What is negative 16 plus negative 21 plus positive 15?
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A negative 16 minus a positive 8 equals what?

-16 - 8 = -24

What are two square root of 16?

Positive 4 and Negative 4

What does a positive number multiplied by a negative number equal?

A negative times a positive equals a negative. For example 2 x -16=-32 A negative times a negative equals a positive For example -2 x -16=32 A positive times a positive equals a positive For example 2 x 16=32 Remember that this rule only applies to multiplication and it doesn't matter if the smaller number has the negative sign or the bigger number has the negative sign; It will still be a negative. Also remember that it doesn't matter whether its a negative times a positive or a positive times a negative ; It remains a negative regardless of the order of the signs. Lastly remember that a negative times a negative will always be a positive and a positive times a positive will always be a positive. For example -2 x 105=-210 105 x -2=-210 2 x -105=-210 -105 x 2=-210 105 x 2 =210 -105 x -2 =210 So this means that a negative times a positive will always equal a negative, a negative times a negative will always equal a positive, and a positive times a positive will always equal a positive. Now if you were dealing with more than two numbers with both negative and positive signs, the easiest way to know whether the answer will come up as a negative or positive is to imagine two negative signs merging into a positive sign and any remaining negative sign that does have another negative sign to pair with remains a negative;You can only combine negative signs in pairs(for example -2 x -2 x -2=4 x -2=-8).Now if you have a situation where you were able to pair up all of the negative signs into positives signs and have no negative signs left over, then the answer will be a positive (for example -2 x -2 x -2 x -2 x 2=16 x 2=32).

What is the square root of 4 multiplied by the square root of 16?

√4 × 16 = ±2 × 16 = ±32 (though the √ symbol normally means the positive square root). √(4 × 16) = √64 = ±8

What is 1 half plus 1 fourth plus 1 eighth plus 1 sixteenth?
