a bearing is the angle from north moving clockwise 360 degrees
a negative bearing is moving counterclockwise from north
negative times negative is positive negative divided by a negative is a postive negative times a positive is a negative negative divided by a positive is a negative
Just add 180o to 061o which will result in a back bearing of 241o
A negative times a negative equals a positive.
Positive x Positive =Positive Positive x Negative= Negative Negative x Positive= Negative Negative x Negative =Positive
A negative... as in (-5) + (-7) = (-12). A negative timesa negative is a positive... as in (-5) X (-7) = (+35)
The articular capsule effect of weight bearing cardiovascular exercise has positive and negative effects. The positive effects on the bones prevents osteoporosis. The negative effects of weight bearing exercise affects estrogen levels in women leading to female athletic triad.
if the wear is on a corresponding tire slack in the bearing may be allowing negative camber to wear the insde edges of the tire. if the wear is on the actual bearing assembly is may be just a bad bearing or wear on a spindle
The sign of a number has no bearing on whether or not it is rational.
In recent years, the fur-bearing animal raising industry has suffered the ill effects of fur's increasingly negative image.
Portentous means an action or circumstance has some bearing on the future. It usually has a somewhat dark or negative connotation.
An abear is a bearing, or a behaviour - particularly a negative behaviour.
If you compare the mass of a positron to an electron, or of a proton to an anti-proton, and so forth, the mass is the same, even though the charge is reversed. Negative charge does not mean negative mass, it has no bearing on the mass.
Of course! Blood type of the parents has absolutely no bearing on the health of the child.
Rancorous means resentful or bearing ill-will, generally negative feelings directed towards a specific person or thing.
Type of food eaten and blood type have no bearing on one another.
It is "bearing gifts" (as in "carrying" them).