Number of days more than the complete number of weeks in a given.
You cannot. The sum of 5 odd numbers is always odd. 30 is not odd.
The given numbers are all odd. The sum of 5 odd numbers must be odd. 50 is not odd so there is no solution.
Well, friend, I believe there's a happy little solution here. You can achieve this by starting with 1 sheep on the first day, then 3 sheep on the second day, 5 sheep on the third day, and so on. By following this pattern of odd numbers each day, you'll reach your goal in 5 days without harming any even-numbered sheep. Just remember, every sheep is special and deserves kindness.
59 is odd.
Odd Nansen has written: 'Day after day'
by their nature the days of the week by name are neither even or odd. The numerical day of the month a day falls on can be either even or odd. Note that a month with 31 days will have an odd day at the end of month followed immediately by another odd day. This never happens for even days.
Measure only part of the day.
You cannot do this, as adding five odd numbers together will give an odd result.
In many middles schools, there is a special blocking for that day of the week. For example, on an even day you may have your 1st,3rd,5th,6th, and 7th periods. And on an odd day you have your 2nd,4th,5th,6th, and 8th. The even and odd blocking refers to what periods you have on that day. Ask the office, call, or ask a teacher about your even/odd schedule.
anzac day
There is a total of 3 odd days in 200 years from the fact that 1 ordinary year has 1 odd day. .
The sum of 5 odd numbers cannot be 50.
That might refer to the days where the day of the month is an odd number, such as Jan. 1, April 17, etc.