pi to 5 decimal places = 3.14159
3*pi = 9.424777961 to nine decimal places.
The answer depends upon how many decimal places you will assign to pi. Assuming 3.14159 is good enough for your use, the answer would be 18.84954. If your calculations are more critical, you may want to use calculate your answer by assigning more decimal places to pi; pi calculated to 50 decimal places is 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510. My calculator will only accept 15 decimal places; in that case pi is 3.141592653589793, multiply that by 6, and the answer is now 18.849555921538758.
Volume = 4/3*pi*83 = 2144.661 cubic mm rounded to 3 decimal places
3.14159 26535 8
Yes and correct to 8 decimal places
Pi has an infinite number of decimal places
Pi to five decimal places is 3.14159.
Pi has no letters. The first 11 decimal places are: 3.14159 26535 8
8 and 6, respectively.
Pi is approximately equal to (to 20 places after the decimal) 3.14159265358979323846.
-- Write down (pi) with as many of its decimal places as you choose to use -- Write '8' under it. -- Carry out the multiplication.