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Range is the Y points in a table (i.e. (2,6)(3.7)(4,4) in this set the range would be 6 7 and 4.

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Q: What is range in algebra?
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What does the word range mean in algebra?

The range of a set is the y value in comparison to the domain which is the x value.

Algebra what is a domain?

A domain is the value of x, and range is the value of y

What is the letter for the number 1 in Algebra?

The point of using letters in algebra is that they can stand for any number (or a range of numbers that are, as yet, unspecified). There is no specific letter allocated to a number.

What is a range in algebra?

When you have an ordered pair it is the second number.Example-(-3,7)7 is the range.ORIt is the difference between the largest and smallest number in a set of data.Example-2,5,9,1,39-1= 8the range would be 8.______________________________________________________________A collection of all output values.(algebra)

How do you solve a range problem in algebra?

I think you add the largest and small number, then divide the answer by 2

What is advanced algebra?

Advanced algebra or College Algebra is the Algebra that comes after Algebra 2. Its essentially algebra II but digs deeper in each section. If I remember correctly, I had to graph almost everything and or find its domain and range. Advanced Algebra deals with polynomial functions and their graph, geometric and arithmetic sequences, conics, logarithms, systems of three equations, an introduction to matrix algebra, exponential functions, and the binomial theorem. Advanced Algebra should not be confused with Algebra I(beginning algebra) or Algebra II(intermediate Algebra).

What is the definition of range in algebra 1?

The set of all the second coordinates of a function.In a function f(x) = |x|, the range is the set of all non negative numbers.

Can you use negative numbers in algebra?

Unless you are restricted to a field or range using only nonnegative numbers, yes, you can use them.

How do you find the range of an algebra equation?

You need to know the domain first. For each value in the domain there will be a value for the function (or expression). These may not all be different. The set of these values is the range of the equation.

What is after pre algebra?

Since "pre-" means before, then pre-algebra would be before algebra. Conversely, algebra would be after pre-algebra. Generally, the next class after a pre-algebra class would be Algebra I, followed by Algebra II.

AL-khowarizimi is credited with the coining of what word?

Algebra Algebra Algebra Algebra

Is foundations algebra the same as algebra 1?

foundations algebra is probably pre algebra, which is before algebra, so no.