Yes. If the numerator is the same but the denominator is smaller, then the number is larger. 3/8 = 0.375 3/10 = 0.3 0.375 > 0.3
0.06 is quite a bit smaller than 0.3 0.06 = 3/50 0.3 = 3/10 would you rather have 3 out of every 10 dollars, or only 3 out of every 50 dollars
4/5 1.3 means 1 plus 3 tenths. 1 is ten tenths. So the total is thirteen tenths 13/10. This process is called creating a common denominator ( in this case, everything in tenths). 4/5 is eight tenths 8/10, i.e. 0.8
Well, 2 units, right? So if you split it in tenths each you get twenty tenths...right?
Tenths are larger than hundredths because hundredths are 10 times smaller than the tenths.The first digit on the right means tenths. (1/10)As we move further right, everynumber gets10 times smaller.Thenext digit to the tenths is the hundredths, thus hundredths is 10 times smaller than the tenths (1/10 * 1/10 = 1/100)
7 5/10 is smaller than 11 5/10
1/10 (0.1) is much smaller than 8/10 (0.8)
3/10 is smaller than 7/8.
4/5=8/10 which is smaller than 9/10 so yes
No - 0.5 is equal to 5/10, one tenth smaller than six tenths.
1/2 = 5/10 which is smaller than 7/10
Thousandths is smaller than tenths.
eight tenths = 8 / 10 = 0.8 0.756 < 0.8 So, Yes
1/10 = 1/10 1/5 = 2/10 You decide
1/2 and 9/10 or 5/10 and 9/10 You decide
-- To get tenths, you chop one thing up into 10 pieces. -- To get hundredths, you chop one thing up into 100 pieces. Naturally they have to be smaller than when you only chopped it into 10.