To solve this, first you have to convert both fractions to a common denominator by multiplying by the opposite's denominator. ex:
10/11-1/3 multiply the whole fraction 10/11 by 3 and get 30/33. Multiply the whole fraction 1/3 by 11 and get 11/33. So, you want to get both fractions to have the same bottom number to solve. Go from here: 30/33-11/33=
-1 multiplied by -1 is 1
It is minus ten.
2/3 - 12 = -11 1/3 or minus eleven and one third.
One third is a fraction. It's everyday language for one over three. 1/3
1 minus 1/2 minus 1/3 is equal to 0.166667
Two thirds.
a quarter :)
1/3 minus 1/2 is -1/6
2 and 17/22
2/3 minus 1/12 is 7/12.
7/12 minus 1/3 is 1/4.
[object Object]
11/22 - 4/22 = 7/22
because they are equivalent fractions and 1/3 is half of 1/6
negative 2 and two thirds