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Q: What is term for square matrix with zero determinant?
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When can you not invert a matrix?

If it is not a square matrix. You cannot invert a square matrix if it is singular. That means that at least one of the rows of the matrix can be expressed as a linear combination of the other rows. A simple test is that a matrix cannot be inverted if its determinant is zero.

Why are unrestrained global stiffness matrix singular?

A singular matrix is one that has a determinant of zero, and it has no inverse. Global stiffness can mean rigid motion of the body.

What does it mean for a matrix to be triangular?

A square matrix in which all the entries of the main diagonal are zero

What is a singular matrix?

A singular matrix is a matrix which has no inverse because its determinant is zero. If you recall, the inverse of a matrix is1/ ad-bc multiplied by:[ d -b ][-c a ]If ad-bc = 0, then the inverse matrix would not exist because 1/0 is undefined, and hence it would be a singular matrix.E.g.[ 1 3][ 2 6]Is a singular matrix because 6x1-3x2 = 0.

Prove that a matrix a is singular if and only if it has a zero eigenvalue?

Recall that if a matrix is singular, it's determinant is zero. Let our nxn matrix be called A and let k stand for the eigenvalue. To find eigenvalues we solve the equation det(A-kI)=0for k, where I is the nxn identity matrix. (<==) Assume that k=0 is an eigenvalue. Notice that if we plug zero into this equation for k, we just get det(A)=0. This means the matrix is singluar. (==>) Assume that det(A)=0. Then as stated above we need to find solutions of the equation det(A-kI)=0. Notice that k=0 is a solution since det(A-(0)I) = det(A) which we already know is zero. Thus zero is an eigenvalue.

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Can a 3 by 3 matrix equal zero?

First we need to ask what you mean by a matrix equalling a number? A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers all of which might be zero and this is called the zero matrix. We can take the determinant of a square matrix such as a 3x3 and this may be zero even without the entries being zero.

When can you not invert a matrix?

If it is not a square matrix. You cannot invert a square matrix if it is singular. That means that at least one of the rows of the matrix can be expressed as a linear combination of the other rows. A simple test is that a matrix cannot be inverted if its determinant is zero.

When is a square matrix said to be diagonisable?

When its determinant is non-zero. or When it is a linear transform of the identity matrix. or When its rows are independent. or When its columns are independent. These are equivalent statements.

How do you show a matrix is invertible?

For small matrices the simplest way is to show that its determinant is not zero.

What are applications of determinants?

If you think of a matrix as a mapping of one vector to another, by either rotation or stretching, then the determinant tells you what size one unit volume is mapped to. This also can tell you if a matrix has an inverse as at least one dimension in a non-invertible matrix will be mapped to zero, making the determinant zero.

Why are unrestrained global stiffness matrix singular?

A singular matrix is one that has a determinant of zero, and it has no inverse. Global stiffness can mean rigid motion of the body.

What is a non-singuar matrix?

A non-singular matrix is basically one that has a multiplicative inverse. More specifically, a matrix "A" is non-singular if there is a matrix "B", such that AB = BA = 1, where "1" is the unity matrix. Non-singular matrixes are those that have a non-zero determinant. Singular and non-singular matrixes are only defined for square matrixes.

Is a matrix multiplied by its transpose diagonalisable?

It will be a square matrix and, to that extent, it is diagonalisable. However, the diagonal elements need not be non-zero. It will be a square matrix and, to that extent, it is diagonalisable. However, the diagonal elements need not be non-zero. It will be a square matrix and, to that extent, it is diagonalisable. However, the diagonal elements need not be non-zero. It will be a square matrix and, to that extent, it is diagonalisable. However, the diagonal elements need not be non-zero.

How do you find eigenvalues of a 3 by 3 matrix?

Call your matrix A, the eigenvalues are defined as the numbers e for which a nonzero vector v exists such that Av = ev. This is equivalent to requiring (A-eI)v=0 to have a non zero solution v, where I is the identity matrix of the same dimensions as A. A matrix A-eI with this property is called singular and has a zero determinant. The determinant of A-eI is a polynomial in e, which has the eigenvalues of A as roots. Often setting this polynomial to zero and solving for e is the easiest way to compute the eigenvalues of A.

What is meant by the word eigenvalue?

The term "eigenvalue" refers to a noun which means each set of values of parameter for which differential equation has a nonzero solution. It can also refers to any number such that given matrix subtracted by the same number and multiply to the identity matrix has a zero determinant.

What makes a system of equations dependent?

If one (or more) of the equations can be expressed as a linear combination of the others. This is equivalent to the statements the matrix of coefficients does not have an inverse (or is singular), or the determinant of the matrix of coefficients is zero.

What does it mean for a matrix to be triangular?

A square matrix in which all the entries of the main diagonal are zero