The square roots of 4489 are ±67.
It is approximately 5.1769
5.2915 is. (rounded)
The square root of 145 is 12.04 (approx). Since the square root of 144 is 12, it is easy to approximate the square root of 145 because 145 is only very slightly higher than 144.
The square roots of 4489 are ±67.
1.7720045 is the approximate square root of 3.14.
Square root 64 and square root 81
Square root of 64 and square root of 81, perhaps.
root of p = 67 square both sides p = 67 times 67 =4,489
The square root of 79 is approximately 8.89. Rounding to the nearest whole number, the approximate square root of 79 is 9.
approx ±49*i where i is the imaginary square root of -1.
Approximately 8.28.18535277