

What is the coefficient of 6x?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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The coefficient of 6x is?

it could be x since there is no other number x could represent 0 sorry long explanation

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Q: What is the coefficient of 6x?
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6x: the co-efficient of x is 6. This should be enough to explain the term.

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Add 1 to the coefficient and divide by that term. int[f(X) by the power rule is this.......X(n + 1)/nint(6X)= 6/2(X2)= 3X2 + C--------------

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Take the exponent and multiply it by the coefficient (or 1 if there is no coefficient) then subract 1 from the exponent. For example, the derivative of 2x^3 is 6x^2 If there is no exponent, for example, 2x the derivative is 2 because the exponent is actually 1 which produces the same coefficient and the exponent 0 meaning there is no x.