Arabia is the origin of algebra, because the work algebra comes from the Arabic word algibr.
It's from Arabic. For more information, use the link provided to the Wikipedia article on algebra.
The word 'Algebra' is Arabic in origin, as 'A; Jebr', and means 'The Union of broken parts. The roots of algebra can be tracted back to Babylon approximatelt 1700 BC. Modern algebra was first used in the 16th Century,
Iraq Baghdad
Arabia is the origin of algebra, because the work algebra comes from the Arabic word algibr.
The origin of the name algebra is from the Arabic word Aljabr.
Algebra originated from the Arabic word 'Al Jabr'
It's from Arabic. For more information, use the link provided to the Wikipedia article on algebra.
the irigin word for algebra is greek mahammid.
Country of origin is the country where something was made.
The country of origin refers to the country where a product was manufactured, produced, or obtained.
Algebra, as the Arabic origin of its name suggests, originated with the work of the Persian mathematician al-KhwÄrizmÄ« (780 – 850).
It started in Egypt. That's why the word algebra comes from Egypt.
The word 'Algebra' is Arabic in origin, as 'A; Jebr', and means 'The Union of broken parts. The roots of algebra can be tracted back to Babylon approximatelt 1700 BC. Modern algebra was first used in the 16th Century,