69% as a fraction is 69/100. Since there are no common divisors, it is already in lowest terms.
0.35435.4% = 0.354 in decimal
In my opinion, 69% is never a good grade. In my school that is a F.
to change a decimal to a percent all you do is move the decimal point over two places. so 1.07 = 107%
Any kind of fraction becomes decimal notation if you divide the denominator into the numerator. Any decimal notation becomes a percent if you multiply it by 100.
69% = 0.69
69% is 0.69.690.69
To change 69% to decimal: 1. take out the % sign 2. divide 69 by 100 or simply put the decimal point two places to the left therefore 69% = 69/100= 0.69 in decimal
69% translated to a decimal is .69 which is 69 hundredths so as a fraction this would be 69/100
It is: (50/69) times 100 = 72.46% to two decimal places
89.5% written as a decimal is .895 When you convert a percentage to a decimal you must move the decimal two places to the left. Ex: 69% is .69. 45.9% is .459. When you convert a decimal to a percentage you must move the decimal two places to the right. Ex: .69 is 69%. .459 is 45.9%
6.9% = 0.069
It is: 20.69% decrease rounded to two decimal places
in decimal integers, a leading zero is dropped, so 69 would be 6900%. However, if what you meant to ask was how do you write 0.69 as a percent, the answer would be 69%
Expressed as a percentage, rounded to two decimal places, 42/69 x 100 = 60.87 percent.
69 in decimal = 1000101 in binary.
69/10 as a decimal is 6.9