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Q: What is the dependent variable between oil and water?
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Is well a transitive verb?

Well is a transitive verb when used to mean to rise, spring, or gush, as water or oil from the earth or some other source.

What are the positives of fracking?

Well simply it is a new source of oil/gas, that we have plenty of. It will mean that when we run out of oil from traps (the current way to get oil) we will have enough oil and gas to last us another 50 or more years (this is an estimate and to be truthful we still have know idea how much oil is available from fracking). Fracking will open up a load of new jobs. However this will just replace the old jobs of conventional oil/gas extraction. At first fracking will make oil and gas cheaper in the market. This is because if there is more oil there is less demand for it so prices go down. However when oil from fracking runs out, then we will be back at the same step as we are now. Fracking is not as bad as people make it out to be - if it is monitored and regulated. The only problem is who is going to do that, because at the moment it is done by the fracking companies. Do we know if they are telling the truth? For them profit is more important than the environment. However in my opinion I am still against fracking. And it is not water pollution and earthquakes that bother me but the environmental horizon if we choose to take the path of fracking (continuing to do fracking in America or starting to frack in the UK). The oil and gas from fracking is the same as it is from conventional oil extraction methods. I believe that fracking will become another excuse to look away from turning to eco-friendly energy sources. Fracking may become another short term cop-out for the government's energy crisis but in the long term it is just destroying the environment with global warming. Sorry if the last question was off topic but I wanted to give another view to the truth of fracking.

What is correlative?

is when on a graph the dots are close together (Not quite.)answ2. Correlation is the amount of a phenomenon which may be explained by one of the variables.When plotted on a graph, if the data formed a straight line with no outlying points, that would illustrate a high degree of correlation. (between the x and y axes.)If there were considerable scatter of your points from a line, then the correlation would be weak.If for example I plotted the height of a class of boys, against their ages, I would expect a good correlation. In other words, a large amount of the variability in height could be explained by the age variable.

What can you find in a swamp area?

oil deposits

How does an illiterate oil-rich sign his name?


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Is cooking oil a dependent or independent variable?

Well, it depends on your experiment. If you're adjusting the amount of cooking oil before an experiment, it's an independent variable. If you're calculating how much there is after the experiment, it would be a dependent variable.

What is the dependent variable in a lava lamp experiment?

The dependent variable in a lava lamp experiment could be the height of the separated oil and water layers, the speed of the moving bubbles, or the color intensity of the lamp's glow. It is the variable that is being measured and is expected to change in response to the independent variable being tested.

What is the dependent variable in a homemade lava lamp experiment?

The dependent variable in a homemade lava lamp experiment could be the amount of time it takes for the oil and water to separate, the number of bubbles formed, or the height of the "lava lamp" effect.

What is the variable in the project of what happens when oil mix with water?

The variable in the project of what happens when oil mixes with water could be the type of oil used, the temperature of the water, the ratio of oil to water, or the presence of an emulsifier. These variables can affect the emulsification process, the formation of microemulsions or macroemulsions, and the overall stability of the mixture.

Does water or motor oil flow faster?

Water is faster by it's lower viscosity, though oil viscosity is more temperature dependent than that of water.

What is variable when oil and water is mixed?

The oil and water do not chemically react with each other, so they are considered immiscible. This means they do not form a homogeneous mixture, but rather separate into distinct layers due to the difference in their densities. The variable in this scenario would be the ability to observe the two separate layers when oil and water are mixed.

What is the definition between the oil mix to water?

Oil will not mix with water.

How dependent are we on oil?

Currently, very dependent.

Water oil glycerin how will they be layered?

Water on bottom, oil on top and glycerin between them.

What are some industries heavily dependent on oil?

The automobile industry, for one, is heavily dependent on oil.

How often do you change the oil in an 18 wheeler?

Between 12,000 and 20,000 miles, dependent on various factors.

What region has an economy the is dependent on the export of oil?

The Persian Gulf or the eastern Mediterranean's economy is most dependent on the export of oil.