no one actually knows for sure and there is no scientific evidence, however people have made predictions like in December 2012, some christians believe the end times are here and the world is likely to end within the next 300 years.
The exact center of the Earth.
Most lines require a semi-colon and the end. It's likely that that line does. A parse error is an error in syntax so you need to add ; at the end of the line like so:
a point
The exact value is an irrational number, and can't be written on paper with digits.0.34202 is less than 0.000042 percent wrong.Cos(70 deg) is an irrational number and it is impossible to give its exact value.
As the world did not end in 2011 the exact time and date is immaterial.
ONLY gOD KNOWS.just because the Mayans calender ended doesnt mean the world will end on that exact date.
Signing of treaty on USS Missouri 2nd September 1945 When did World War 2 end
The thought was random. They needed a way to make money. Noone on the face of the planet knows the exact date of the end of the world. Only the lord. Though the world may end on the date u think only because it would anyway because that was the date that the lord planned.
I forget the exact date, but I believe it was in August or October, 1945.
Simply put, it isn't for 'us' to know the exact date/time...but, the Bible does offer significant clues....Read Mathew 24 for example. Many more Books prophecy the 'end times'. But, no, the exact date no one knows.
Predictions about the end of the world are often based on religious texts, scientific theories, or apocalyptic prophecies. However, it is important to approach such claims with skepticism as the actual date of the world's destruction is uncertain and cannot be accurately predicted.
wooo i answerd it first.
I do not know an exact date but it ended when the cannon was developed.
There is no scientific evidence or consensus among experts about an exact date for the end of the world. Predictions and speculations about the end of the world have been made throughout history, but they have all proven to be incorrect. It is important to focus on the present and work towards creating a sustainable future rather than fixating on an unknown end date.
I'm not sure of the exact date on that exact prediction but Nostradamas lived in the 1500s so that should give you an idea of the time.