

What is the exponent for 1000?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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1,000 = 1 × 103

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Q: What is the exponent for 1000?
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How do you get the exponent?

you get an exponent when you multiply EXAMPLE 10x10x10=1000 that is an exponent NO DONT THINK THAT IF THE EXPONENT IS 3 YOU MULTIPLY IT BY 3 NO WAY JOSE

How can you use an exponent to show power of ten?

1000 = 10x10x10 = 103.The 3 is an exponent. It tells you how many times 10 is multiplied by itself to get 1000.

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105 = 100,000

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104= 10000

What is the exponent form of 1000?

The number 1,000 can be written as 1.00 × 103

What is the value of 1000 in exponent form?

10 to the third (10)3 = 10 X 10 X10 = 1000

How can you use an exponent to show powers of 10?

The exponent in this case is the small number written in superscript (raised) to the right of the 10.

How do you transfer grams to kilograms 225g to kilogram?

=0.225 kg is the answer. Just move 3 decimal point to the left to get the answer because it is from small which is the grams and to large which is the kilograms. If it is from large to small just move the decimal point to the right to get the answer and look at the exponential differences to know how many times to move. It is Khdmlgdcmun= means K is for kilo and it is 1000 exponent of 3 H for hecto and it is 100 exponent of 2 D for deca and it is 10 exponent of 1 m is for meter and it is 1 exponent of 0 same with L for liter and grams d for deci .1 exponent of -1 c for centi .01 exponent -2 m for milli .001 exponent of -3 u for micro .000001 exponent of -6 n for nano .000000001 exponent of -9

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When you have a number raised to a negative exponent, you move to the left rather than the right in decimal places. E.g. 103 = 1000 10-3 = 0.001 More specifically, when you have a negative exponent, you are taking the reciprocal of what the positive exponent would give. 24 = 16, but 2-4=(1/16) ■

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3.43*10-3 = 3.43/1000 = 0.00343