Linear programming is just graphing a bunch of linear inequalities. Remember that when you graph inequalities, you need to shade the "good" region - pick a point that is not on the line, put it in the inequality, and the it the point makes the inequality true (like 0
After graphing the equations for the linear programming problem, the graph will have some intersecting lines forming some polygon. This polygon (triangle, rectangle, parallelogram, quadrilateral, etc) is the feasible region.
In linear programming, infeasibility refers to a situation where no feasible solution exists for a given set of constraints and objective function. This can occur when the constraints are contradictory or when the feasible region is empty. Infeasibility can be detected by solving the linear programming problem and finding that no solution satisfies all the constraints simultaneously. In such cases, the linear programming problem is said to be infeasible.
Integer programming is a method of mathematical programming that restricts some or all of the variables to integers. A subset of Integer programming is Linear programming. This is a form of mathematical programming which seeks to find the best outcome in such a way that the requirements are linear relationships.
The answer depends on the feasible region and there is no information on which to determine that.
George B. Dantzig
Yes. There need not be a feasible region.
After graphing the equations for the linear programming problem, the graph will have some intersecting lines forming some polygon. This polygon (triangle, rectangle, parallelogram, quadrilateral, etc) is the feasible region.
It is usually the answer in linear programming. The objective of linear programming is to find the optimum solution (maximum or minimum) of an objective function under a number of linear constraints. The constraints should generate a feasible region: a region in which all the constraints are satisfied. The optimal feasible solution is a solution that lies in this region and also optimises the obective function.
Integer programming is a subset of linear programming where the feasible region is reduced to only the integer values that lie within it.
Yes. If the feasible region has a [constraint] line that is parallel to the objective function.
In linear programming, infeasibility refers to a situation where no feasible solution exists for a given set of constraints and objective function. This can occur when the constraints are contradictory or when the feasible region is empty. Infeasibility can be detected by solving the linear programming problem and finding that no solution satisfies all the constraints simultaneously. In such cases, the linear programming problem is said to be infeasible.
The strong duality proof for linear programming problems states that if a linear programming problem has a feasible solution, then its dual problem also has a feasible solution, and the optimal values of both problems are equal. This proof helps to show the relationship between the primal and dual problems in linear programming.
Each linear equation is a line that divides the coordinate plane into three regions: one "above" the line, one "below" and the line itself. For a linear inequality, the corresponding equality divides the plane into two, with the line itself belonging to one or the other region depending on the nature of the inequality. A system of linear inequalities may define a polygonal region (a simplex) that satisfies ALL the inequalities. This area, if it exists, is called the feasible region and comprises all possible solutions of the linear inequalities. In linear programming, there will be an objective function which will restrict the feasible region to a vertex or an edge of simplex. There may also be a further constraint - integer programming - where the solution must comprise integers. In this case, the feasible region will comprise all the integer grid-ponits with the simplex.
the phenomenon of obtaining a degenerate basic feasible solution in a linear programming problem known as degeneracy.
Yes. Although possible in real life, it is unlikely in school examples!
In both cases the constraints are used to produce an n-dimensional simplex which represents the "feasible region". In the case of linear programming this is the feasible region. But that is not the case for integer programming since only those points within the region for which the variables are integer are feasible.The objective function is then used to find the maximum or minimum - as required. In the case of a linear programming problem, the solution must lie on one of the vertices (or along one line in 2-d, plane in 3-d etc) of the simplex and so is easy to find. In the case of integer programming, the optimal solution so found may contain one or more variables that are not integer and so it is necessary to examine all the points in the immediate neighbourhood and evaluate the objective function at each of these points. This last requirement makes integer programming solutions more difficult to find.
It is usually the answer in linear programming. The objective of linear programming is to find the optimum solution (maximum or minimum) of an objective function under a number of linear constraints. The constraints should generate a feasible region: a region in which all the constraints are satisfied. The optimal feasible solution is a solution that lies in this region and also optimises the obective function.